cac banlam giup minh, minh cho 5 sao 1. May I turn off the television ? - Would you mind if …………………………………………………? 2. Please turn the music down. - Do you mind …………………………………………………………? 3. Is it all right if I use your phone ? - Do you mind if ……………………………………………………….? 4. May I take some Photos ? - Would you mind ………………………………………………………………? 5/Shall I carry this bag for you ? - Would you mind………………………………………………………………?

2 câu trả lời

Would you mind if I turned off the television ?

Do you mind turning the music down ?

Do you mind if I use your phone ?

Would you mind taking some photos ?

Would you mind carrying this bag ?

1. May I turn off the television?

-Would you mind if I turn off the television?

2. Please turn the music down.

- Do you mind turning the music down?

3. Is it all right if I use your phone?

- Do you mind if I use your phone?

4. May I take some Photos?

- Would you mind taking some photos?

5/Shall carrying this bag for you?

-Would you mind if I carry this bag for you?  

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