6.Choose the words that have the different stress from the others. A. temporary B. geology C. emergency D. tomography (5 Điểm) A B C D 7.Choose the words that have the different stress from the others. A. astrology B. unnatural C. medication D. demography (5 Điểm) A B C D 8.Choose the best answer. The air in the city_________________with traffic fumes. A. is heavy polluted B. is polluted heavy C. is heavily polluted D. polluted heavy (5 Điểm) A B C D 9.Choose the best answer. ______________it's raining again, we'll have to stay at home. A. While B. Although C. As D. Unless (5 Điểm) A B C D 10.Choose the best answer. "What time should Eric start to work?""I suggest____________here about 7:30" A. he should be B. he must be C. him be D. him to be (5 Điểm) A B C D 11.Choose the best answer. Carrier bags can be _____________ as bin bags around the house. A. recycled B. reproduced C. repacked D. reused (5 Điểm) A B C D 12.Choose the best answer. We leave early ________________ miss the last bus. A. in order not B. so as not C. in order to D. in order not to (5 Điểm) A B C D 13.Choose the best answer. When you're learning English, use it, __________ you'll lose it. A. and B. but C. or D. however (5 Điểm) A B C D 14.Choose the best answer. If you go _______________doing that, you'll end ______________ in serious trouble. A. up - with B. on - up C. off - with D. out - up (5 Điểm) A B C D 15.Choose the best answer. They are trying to save the animals ________________ extinction. A. on B. to C. from D. for (5 Điểm) A B C D 16.Choose the best answer. They didn't see each other again _____________ the fall. A. since B. in C. from D. until (5 Điểm) A B C D 17.Choose the best answer. ____________ air is one of the many problems we have to solve. A. Pure B. Polluted C. Fresh D. Pleasant (5 Điểm) A B C D

2 câu trả lời

6. A nhấn âm 1 còn lại 2
7. C nhấn âm 3 còn lại 2
8. C (be adv adj)
9. C bởi vì
10. A suggest S should V
11. D tái sử dụng
12. D in order (not) to V = so as (not) to V
13. C ~otherwise
14. B (go on : tiếp tục// end up : kết thúc, rơi vào tình trạng)
15. C save...from
16. D cho đến khi, cho đến tận
17. B ô nhiễm

6 C

7 C

8 C

9 A

10 A

11 C

12 D

13 C

14 B

15 C

16 B

17 B


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