5.Khoanh vào đáp án đúng They danced,sang,...42...stories and performed plays...43...English 42.A.told B.say C.spoke D.talked 43.A.of B.in C.with D.by 6.Chọn câu trả lời có xắp sếp đúng 49.Go/straight/traffic/on/after/lights/the/./ A.Go straight on lights after the traffic B.Go straight on after the traffic lights C.Go straight lights on after the traffic D.Go straight after on the traffic lights 7.Viết câu hỏi cho phần gạch chân trong các câu trả lời sau There is some hot coffee in the cup (some được gach chân)

2 câu trả lời

42, A told

43, D by

49, B ( Go straight on after the traffic lights)

7, How much hot coffee in the cup ?

42,A;  43, D ;   49, B;   7. How many hot coffee in the cup ?Học tốt

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