4.He ..............the chicken twice a day. (1 Điểm) feed feeds is feeding 5.Look ! The cars ................... (1 Điểm) is coming are coming are comeing 6.Someone .................Hung's car last night. (1 Điểm) steal stole stolen 7.Next year , We .................Hue with our family. (1 Điểm) are going to visit are going go 8.He ............... here since 1990 (1 Điểm) have lived has lived lived 9.They have finished the report .............. 2 hours. (1 Điểm) for by since 10.We don't go to school ................Sunday. (1 Điểm) in at on 11.Câu bị động nào dưới đây là đúng khi chuyển từ câu : Lan makes a cake in the kitchen. (1 Điểm) A cake is made by Lan in the kitchen A cake is made in the kitchen by Lan A cake is maked in the kitchen by Lan 12.Câu bị động nào dưới đây là đúng khi chuyển từ câu : He wrote a letter to her friend yesterday (1 Điểm) A letter to her friend was written by him yesterday A letter was written to her friend yesterday by him A letter was written to her friend by him yesterday 13.Câu bị động nào dưới đây là đúng khi chuyển từ câu : The boy is playing chess. (1 Điểm) Chess is played by the boy Chess is being played by the boy The boy is being played by chess

2 câu trả lời

4. feeds

5. are coming

6. stole

7. are going to visit

8. has lived

9. for

10. on

11. A cake is made in the kitchen by Lan

12. A letter was written to her friend by him yesterday

13. Chess is being played by the boy

4.He ..............the chicken twice a day.
(1 Điểm)
is feeding
5.Look ! The cars ...................
(1 Điểm)
is coming
are coming
are comeing
6.Someone .................Hung's car last night.
(1 Điểm)
7.Next year , We .................Hue with our family.
(1 Điểm)
are going to visit
are going
8.He ............... here since 1990
(1 Điểm)
have lived
has lived
9.They have finished the report .............. 2 hours.
(1 Điểm)
10.We don't go to school ................Sunday.
(1 Điểm)
11.Câu bị động nào dưới đây là đúng khi chuyển từ câu : Lan makes a cake in the kitchen.
(1 Điểm)
A cake is made by Lan in the kitchen
A cake is made in the kitchen by Lan
A cake is maked in the kitchen by Lan
12.Câu bị động nào dưới đây là đúng khi chuyển từ câu : He wrote a letter to her friend yesterday
(1 Điểm)
A letter to her friend was written by him yesterday
A letter was written to her friend yesterday by him
A letter was written to her friend by him yesterday
13.Câu bị động nào dưới đây là đúng khi chuyển từ câu  : The boy is playing chess.
(1 Điểm)
Chess is played by the boy
Chess is being played by the boy
The boy is being played by chess

Chúc bạn học tốt !!!

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