316. The weather was so cold that children could not swim in it.  The weather was not ______________________________________________________ 317. “You’d better not lend him anymore money, Elizabeth” said John.  John advised Elizabeth ____________________________________________________ 318. I started to work for the company a year ago.  I ______________________________________________________________________ 319. Because of the rough sea, the ferry couldn’t sail.  The rough sea ___________________________________________________________ 320. This furniture is so old that it’s not worth keeping.  It is ___________________________________________________________________ 321. “Where is the station car park ?” Mrs. Smith asked.  Mrs. Smith asked ________________________________________________________ 322. Miss Taylor doesn’t like living in such a small house.  Miss Taylor wishes _______________________________________________________ 344. He didn’t hurry, so he missed the train.  If _____________________________________________________________________ 345. The fire has destroyed many houses.  Many houses ___________________________________________________________ 346. I have studied English for 3 years.  I began _________________________________________________________________

2 câu trả lời

316. The weather was not warm enough for children to swim 

317. John advised Elizabeth not to lend him anymore money

318. I have worked for the company for a year

319. The rough sea prevented the ferrry from sailing

321. Mrs. Smith asked where the station car park was 

322. Miss Taylor wishes she liked living in such a small house.

344. If he had hurried , he wouldn't missed the train 

345. Many houses have been destroyed by the fire

346. I began studying English 3 years ago

316, The weather was not warm enough for children to swim in.

317, John advised Elizabeth not to lend him anymore money.

318, I have worked for the company for a year.

319, The rough sea stopped the ferry from sailing.

320, It is such an old furniture that it’s not worth keeping.

321, Mrs. Smith asked me where the station car park was.

322, Mrs. Taylor wishes she didn’t live in such a small house.

344, If he had hurried, he wouldn’t have missed the train.

345, Many houses have been destroyed by the fire.

346, I began studying English 3 years ago.

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