3. Read the text and decide if the following statements are True (T) or False (F). My dad and I have the same hobby. We both like fishing very much because it is a quiet sport. There are a lot of big trees around quiet ponds and rivers in our neighbourhood. We often go fishing there. Dad and I can sit for hours to wait for the fish. We often talk about my study or our relatives. 1. My father and I like different sports. _____ 2. Fishing is a quiet sport. _____ 3. We often go fishing in the forest. _____ 4. My father and I often talk to each other while fishing. _____ 5. We can’t sit long when we go fishing. _____

2 câu trả lời

1. My father and I like different sports. __F___

Dẫn chứng: My dad and I have the same hobby.

2. Fishing is a quiet sport. __T___

Dẫn chứng: We both like fishing very much because it is a quiet sport.

3. We often go fishing in the forest. __F___

Dẫn chứng: There are a lot of big trees around quiet ponds and rivers in our neighbourhood. We often go fishing there.

4. My father and I often talk to each other while fishing. __T___

Dẫn chứng: We often talk about my study or our relatives.

5. We can’t sit long when we go fishing. __F___

Dẫn chứng: Dad and I can sit for hours to wait for the fish.


` 1 ` : F

` - ` Thông tin : My dad and I have the same hobby.

` 2 ` : T

` - ` Thông tin :  We both like fishing very much because it is a quiet sport

` 3 `  : F

` - ` Thông tin : . There are a lot of big trees around quiet ponds and rivers in our neighbourhood ( Câu cá ở hồ trong khu phố chứ không câu cá ở trong rừng )

` 4 `  : T

` - ` Thông tin : We often talk about my study or our relatives.

` 5 `  : F

` - ` Thông tin : Dad and I can sit for hours to wait for the fish

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