28. John came ______ an old school friend in the street this morning. (with / along / across / off) 29. She asked her children ______ (to stop playing / stop to play / stop playing / stopping to play) 30. He is not ______ ride a motorbike. (enough old to / enough old for / old enough to / old enough for) 31. I don’t talk much in public. I am rather (kind / sociable / reserved / humorous) 32. The children go to school .................. . ( myself/ himself/ herself/ themselves) 33. You must look in the (advertisement / recreation / diversion / participation) section of the newspaper to find out what films are showing. 34. The moon ................... around the earth (went/ goes/ go/ going) 35. (Would / Could / Do / Will) you like to go to the movies? – I’d love to. 36. Don’t go ................ , it is too cold. (inside/ outside/ downstairs/ upstairs) 37. They have waited for her (for / since / at / from) 6 o’clock. 38. This neighborhood is (different / the same / as / like) from that one. 39. What does she look like? (She look beautiful / She is beautiful / She looks like beautiful) 40. The calendar is (on / under / behind / in) the clock. 41. Minh and I didn’t enjoy (myself / ourselves / himself / themselves) at the party. 42. When my father was young, he used to (singing / sang / sings / sing) very well. 44. You should work (hardly / hard / good / badly) in order to pass the exams. 45. It is too dark (to take / take / taking / took) photographs here. 46. Jim is not old enough (read / reading / to read) this book. 47. Could you do me a favor? (What can I do for you / Thanks a lot / It’s very kind of you / No, thank you. I’m fine) 48. I (haven’t met / don’t meet / didn’t meet / won’t) since 2008. 49. The doctor said he (should go/ to go /going/ goes) to bed earlier. 50. They got married and lived (happy / happily / happiness) WRITING * Combine, rewrite the following sentences, using: … (not) + adj + enough... 1. She can’t drive a car. She is too young. => 2. We are lucky. We have a lot of friends at school. => 3. The book is so interesting. I read it twice. => ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. I’m very tired. I can’t do any more work. => ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5. We like watching this film. It is interesting. =>………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. We don’t buy the flat because it isn’t large. =>………………………………………………………………………………………………… * Rewrite each of the sentences so that the meaning stay the same as the given one. 1. Peter is too short to reach the shelf. => Peter is not ……. 2. I intend to come over to pick you up. => I am………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Her hair is long, straight and black. => She has………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. The report is so interesting that I can listen the end point. => The report…………………………………………………………………………………….. * Guided sentence building. 1. Loan / visit / grandparents / last weekend. => 2. Van / going / have / math / school / tomorrow. => 3. We / going / see / movie Dream City / 7 o’clock / this evening. => * Put the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences. 1. time / I / most / my / with / spend / of / Hoa => 2. long / is / a / girl / she / black / with / nice / hair. => 3. there / in / refrigerator / is / corner / kitchen / a / of / the / the / right => ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. please / do / it / help / me, / I / can’t / myself => ………………………………………………………………………………………………

1 câu trả lời

28. with

29. to stop playing

30. old enough to 

31. reserved

32. themselves

33. recreation

34. goes

35. Would

36. outside

37. since

38. different

39. She looks like beautiful

40. under

41. themselves

42. sing

44. good

45. to take

46. to read

47. No, thank you. I’m fine

48. haven’t met

49. should go

50. happily


1. She isn't old enough to drive a car

2. We are lucky enough to have a lot of friends at school.

3. The book is  interesting enough to I read it twice.

5. This film is interesting enough to we like watching it

6. He flat isn't large enough to I buy it

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