2. You and your friend come home very late. Other people in the house are asleep. He‟s noisy. YOU: Shhh! Don‟t make so much noise. (you / wake) ……………………………… everybody up. 3. There was a job advertised in the paper recently. At first your brother was interested but then he decided not to apply. YOU: Have you decided what to do about that job that was advertised? YOUR BROTHER: Yes, (I / not / apply) ……………………………. for it. 4. A friend of yours is worried because he has lost an important letter. YOU: Don‟t worry about the letter. I‟m sure (you / find) ………………………………… it. YOUR FRIEND : I hope so. 5. It‟s a nice day. You‟ve decided to sit in the garden. Before you go out, you tell your sister. YOU: The weather‟s too nice to stay indoors. (I / sit) ……………………………. in the garden. YOUR SISTER: That‟s a good idea. I think (I join) ………………………………….. you.

2 câu trả lời

1. you will wake

2. I haven't applied

3. you will find

4. I will sit/ I will join

2 . You are waking

3 . I haven't applied

4. you will find

5 . I will sit/will join

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