2. Put one of the verbs in the box in the right form in each sentence. do give take have buy Be spend getup teach Go eat Example: We were hungry, so we bought something to eat in the shop. a) Nam’s father_________ him how to ride a bike when he was 7. b) I___________ only one glass of milk for breakfast this morning. c) Ba usually has some rice for lunch, but today he___________ noodles (Pho). d) – Where did you go last Sunday? – 1__________ to my cousin’s birthday party. e) Someone came and ____________ me this parcel. f) She ____________ her homework, and then she went to the market. g) Tom __________ hours trying to repair his Computer set. h) Yesterday Mrs. Hong ___________ her children to Lenin Park. i) Tom usually gets up early. This morning he ____________ at 8.30. j) My brother__________ very interested in playing soccer when he lived in the countryside

1 câu trả lời


a. taught

b. had

c. ate

d. went

e. gave

f. did

g. spent

h. took

i. got up

j. was

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