2. Make up questions for the following statements. Use the words in brackets. Example: I’m very thirsty. (What/ you/ drink?) What are you going to drink? a) I’m very hungry. (What/you/eat?) b) We’re going to the movies. (What/ you/ see?) c) My brother’s going to university in September. (What/ he/ study?) d) My grandparents are coming for dinner tonight. (What/ you/ cook?) e) and Mrs. Smith are going shopping. (What/ they/ buy?) f) Ba is working hard for his exams. (When/ he/ have exams?) g) It’s my birthday next week. (you/ have a birthday party?) h) Hoa’s not going by bicycle. (she/ go/ bus?) i) We aren’t going to have a meeting on Friday. (you/ have a meeting/ Saturday?)

2 câu trả lời

Cố lên! ?

What are you going to eat

What are you going to see

What is he going to study

What are you going to cook

What are they going to buy

When is he going to have exams?

Are you going to have a birthday party?

Is she going to go by bus?

Are you going to have a meeting on Saturday?

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