191. She didn’t take your advice, so she failed in the exam.  If _____________________________________________________________________ 192. We spend our childhood in that beautiful mountain resort and we always remember.  We always remember _____________________________________________________ 193. The cake was so bad that I couldn’t eat it.  It’s ____________________________________________________________________ 194. Without a passport, she couldn’t have left the country.  If _____________________________________________________________________ 195. The weather was so bad that we couldn’t go sailing.  The weather wasn’t _______________________________________________________ 196. The plane took off before we arrived at the airport.  By the time _____________________________________________________________ 197. I don’t live in a big city, so I can’t go to the cinema very often.  If _____________________________________________________________________ 198. She never seems to succeed even though she works hard.  In spite of ______________________________________________________________ 199. Jeanie is the tallest girl in her class.  No one _________________________________________________________________ 200. You didn’t plan things at the start, so we are in this mess now.  If _____________________________________________________________________

2 câu trả lời

191.If she had taken your advice ,she wouldn't have failed in the exam

192.We always remember we spending our childhood in that beautiful mountain resort

193.It’s was such bad cake that I couldn’t eat it.

194.Ifshe hadn't had a passport she couldn’t have left the country.

195.The weather wasn’t good enough for us to go sailing.

196.By the time we arrived at the airport the plane took off 

197.If i lived in a big city,I could go to the cinema very often.

198.In spite of working hard she never seems to succeed

199.No one in Jeanie 's class í the taller than her

200.If you had planned things at the start,we wouldn't be  in this mess now.

191. If she had taken your advice, she wouldn't have failed in the exam.

192. We always remember that we spend our childhood in that beautiful mountain resort.

193. It's such a hard cake that I couldn't eat it.

194. If she hadn't gad a passport, she couldn't have left the country.

195. The weather wasn't good enough for us to go sailing.

196. By the time we arrived at the airport, the plane had taken off.

197. If I lived in a big city, I could go to the cinema often.

198. In spite of working hard, she never seems to succeed.

199. No one in Jeanie's class is taller than her.

200. If you had planned things at the start, we wouldn't be in this mess now.

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