178. We have lived here for 15 years.  We started ______________________________________________________________ 179. English and French are spoken in Canada.  People _________________________________________________________________ 180. They are going to invite Nam to dinner.  Nam ___________________________________________________________________ 181. I can’t cook as well as my mother does.  My mother ______________________________________________________________ 186. He wrote the letter in two hours.  It _____________________________________________________________________ 187. It was such hot tea that I couldn’t drink it.  The tea _________________________________________________________________ 188. Because she behaves well, everybody loves her.  Because of ______________________________________________________________ 189. Unless you water the flowers everyday, they will die.  If _____________________________________________________________________ 190. I have studied English for 3 years.  I began _________________________________________________________________

2 câu trả lời

178: we started  to live  here 15  years ago

179: People  are spoken by english and french in canada

180:  Nam is going to visit by them to dinner

181: My mother cooks better than i do

186: It was wrote by him in two hours

Cho mk 5 votes và cảm ơn và câu tl hay nhất ạ

178.We started to live here 15 years ago.

179.People in Canada are speaking English and French.

180.Nam is being invited to dinner.

181.My mother cooks better than me.

186.It was written by him in two hours.

187.The tea is hot enough that I couldn't drink it.

188.Because of behaving well,everybody love her.

189.If you don't water the flowers everyday,they will die.

190.I began to study English 3 years ago.

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