17. You_______ walk on the ice. A. mustn't B. needn't C. mightn't D. shouldn't 18. At one time the entire world_______ by dinosaur. A. was ruled B. were ruling C. has ruled D. will be ruled 19.He warned me_______ late-night horror film. A. not watch B. against watching C. not watching D. about to watch 20.It's a about time we_______ rid of this old car. A. get B. will get C. has got D. got 21. My family_______ go to Samson beach in summer when we lived in Thanh Hoa. A. use B. used C. used to D. are used to 22.Our home needs_______. A. Painting B.to paint C. be painted D. paint 23.He often goes to the_______ to pray because his religion is Islam. A. temple B. mosque C.church D. pagoda 24.If we_______ wasting our natural resources, they will be used up in a few decade. A. turn on B. go on C. go off D. turn off 25. _______ there have been many changes in our country, it still remains a developing one. A. however B. despite C. because D. although B. Write the correct form of the word in the blank. (1.5 points) 1.News on TV is very ...................... (Inform) 2.He gets bad grades because of his................... (Lazily) 3.What is his ............................? (Nation) 4.Every man loves ................................ beauty. (Nature) 5.She had a lot of ............................ for Tet. (Prepare) 6.He run very..............……….……… (Quick) 7.It is cloudy and .......................... toay. (Rain) 8.We are interested in .......................... books. (Read) 9.Ha Long Bay is one of the ........................... of the world. (Wonderfully) 10.This…………has written many stories for children. (Write) c. Find the word(s) marked A, B, C or D that is incorrect in each of the following sentences then correct it.(1 point) 1.He should ever call again, please tell him that I am not at home. A B C D 2.She did not know where most of the people in the room was from. A B C D 3.It is impossible to believe that somebody actually admire that man. A B C D 4.According to the syllabus, you can either write a paper or you can take an exam. A B C D 5.Florida has become the twenty-seventh state in the United States on March 3, 1845. A B C D III. Reading comprehension(2 points) A. Read the passage then choose one suitable answer from the four options to fill each blank. No matter where you(1)______ in the world, there is one language that everyone understand: laughter. Scientists (2)______ us that laughter is good for us. They (3)______ that laughter can actually help us to (4)______ rid of pain and make us (5)______ good. Some scientists also say that laughter can (6)______ kill viruses and even help the (7)______ against cancer. You may have heard (8) the author who says he fought and (9)______ a battle with cancer by (10)______ himself in a room for hours to watch funny videos.

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