161. We got lost because we didn’t have a map.  If _____________________________________________________________________ 162. The bridge was so low that the bus couldn’t go under it.  It was __________________________________________________________________ 163. I last saw him when I was a student.  I haven’t _______________________________________________________________ 164. It’s a six–hour drive from London to Edinburgh.  It takes _________________________________________________________________ 165. It’s ages since Alan visited his parents.  Alan ___________________________________________________________________ 166. Mr. Will lost his job because he was late every day.  If _____________________________________________________________________ 167. The police made the youth empty his pocket.  The youth ______________________________________________________________ 168. Lawrence hasn’t seen his sister since she left for Japan.  Lawrence last ___________________________________________________________ 169. John is fat because he eats so many chips.  If _____________________________________________________________________ 170. If Joe doesn’t change his way, he will end up in prison.  Unless _________________________________________________________________

2 câu trả lời

161. If we had had a map, we wouldn't have got lost. 

162. It was such a low bridge that the bus couldn't go under it.

163. I gaven't seen him since i was a student.

164. It takes six hours to drive from London to Edinburgh.

165. Alan hasn't visited his parents for ages.

166. If Mr Will hadn't been late every day, he wouldn't have lost his job.

167. The youth was made to empty the police's pocket.

168. Lawrence last saw his sister when she left for Japan.

169. If John dodn't eat so many chips, he wouldn't be fat.

170. Unless John changes his way, he will end up in prision.

161) If we had had a map, we wouldn't have gettten lost

162) It was such a low bridge that the bus couldn't go under it

163) I haven't seen him since I was a student

164) It takes 6 hours to drive from London to Edinburgh

165) Alan hasn't vistited his parents for ages

166) If Mr.Will hadn't been late everyday, he wouldn't have lost his job

167) The youth was made to empty his pocket by the police

168) Lawrence last saw his sister when she left for Janpan

169) If he didn't eat so many chips, he wouldn't be fat

170) Unless Joe changes his way, he will end up in prison

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