16. The police tried to prevent him.......leaving A.to B. for C. at D. from 17. I don't want Mark to know what happend. I decided not.....him A. tellinh B.Told C.tell D.to tell

2 câu trả lời

`16.` D - From.

`17.` D - To tell.

`*` Giải thích:
`-` Công thức prevent ( Ngăn ai đó làm gì đó ): S + prevent + O + from + V-ing.

`-` Cấu trúc decide ( Quyết định làm gì đó ):

`(+)` Decide + to + V-inf

`(-)` Decide + not + to + V-inf

16. The police tried to prevent him.......leaving

A.to B. for C. at D. from

prevent So from Ving: ngăn ai làm j

17. I don't want Mark to know what happend. I decided not.....him

A. telling B.Told C.tell D.to tell

Cấu trúc decide + to V1

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