1. What’s /your /the /with/ matter/ mother/?.............................................................................................................. 2. I/ a /throat/ sore /have/............................................................................................................................................ 3. eat /I /speak /can/ not/ or/....................................................................................................................................... 4. You /doctor/ should/ to/ the /go/............................................................................................................................ 5. Eat/ You /shouldn’t /ice-cream.............................................................................................................................. 6. to /should/ go /the/ He /dentist/.............................................................................................................................. 7. Should/ Mr. Tuan/ a/ take /rest/.............................................................................................................................. 8. He / heavy /carry /shouldn’t/ things/...................................................................................................................... 9. had /Quan /to /the/ headache/ doctor/ because/ went/ he /a/. ................................................................................................................................................................................ 10. school / Mai / bad /come/ to /can’t /because/ she/ cold /has/ a/. ................................................................................................................................................................................ 11. well/ I /feel /don’t/. ............................................................................................................................................... 12. I /get/ you/ will /well /hope/ soon/......................................................................................................................... 13. My /backache /has/ grandfather /a/........................................................................................................................ 14. I’m /health /sorry /to /about/ hear/ very/ your/....................................................................................................... 15. What’s/ your /the /with /matter /sister/?.................................................................................................................

2 câu trả lời

`1`. What's the matter with your mother?

`→` What + be + the matter with + S?

`2`. I have a sore throat.

`→` S + V(_s/es)

`3`. I can not eat or speak.

`→` S + can not + V_inf

`4`. You should go to the doctor.

`→` S + should + V_inf

`5`. You shouldn't eat ice `-` cream.

`→` S + should not + V_inf

`6`. He should go to the dentist.

`→` S + should + V_inf

`7`. Mr. Tuan should take a rest.

`→` S + should + V_inf

`8`. He shouldn't carry heavy things.

`→` S + should + not + V_inf

`9`. Quan went to the doctor because he had a headache.

`→` S + V_ed/c2

`→` S + V + because + S + V

`10`. Mai can't come to school because she has a a cold.

`→` S + can + not + V_inf

`→` S + V + because + S + V 

`11`. I don't feel well.

`→` S + do/does + not + V_inf

`12`. I hope I will get well soon.

`→` S + hope + S + will + V_inf

`13`.  My grandfather has a backache.

`→` S + V(_s/es)

`14`. I'm very sorry to hear about your health.

`→` S + am/is/are

`→` S + be + very sorry + to_V

`15`. What's the matter with your sister?

`→` What + be + the matter with + S?


`1`. What is the matter with your mother?

`-` What is the matter with + s.o?

`2`. I have a sore throat

`-` S + have/has + a/an + bệnh

`3`. I can not speak or eat

`-` S + can not + V(bare) + O

`4`. You should go to the doctor

`-` S + should + V(bare) + O

`5`. You shouldn't eat ice-cream

`-` S + shouldn't + V(bare) + O

`6`. He should go to the dentist

`7`. Mr. Tuan should take a rest

`8`. He shouldn't carry heavy things

`9`. Quan went to the doctor because he had a headache

`-` QKĐ `(+)` S + V(ed/qk)

`-` S + V + because +  S + V : bởi vì

`10`. Mai can't go to school because she has a bad cold

`-` HTĐ `(+)` S + V(s/es)

`11`. I feel don't well

`-` HTĐ `(+)` S + don't/doesn't + V(bare) + O

`12`. I hope you will get well soon

`-` TLĐ `(+)` S + will + V(bare) + O

`13`. My grandfather has a backache

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