1 Rewrite these following sentences: Watching TV is interesting and useful. => It is 2 Lan keeps the key in that box. The key_________. 3 Do you want me to cook the meal for you? => Shall ___________? 4 "Watch TV every day to get some COVID-19 information," the teacher said. => The teacher asked us ____________. 5 They will build more houses for the poor. => More houses____________.

2 câu trả lời

1. It is interesting and useful to watch TV

2. The key is kept in that box by Lan

3. Shall I cook the meal for you?

4. The teacher asked us to watch TV everyday to get some COVID-19 information

5. More houses will be built for the poor

1.it is interesting and useful to watch tv

2the key is in that box because lan keeps it there

3shall i cook the meal for you

4tge teacher asked us to watch tv everday to get some covid 19 information

5more houses will be built for the poor

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