1. Please don’t post false information on the Internet,” Kerry said to Susan. A. Kerry asked Susan to post false information on the Internet. B. Kerry asked Susan not to post false information on the Internet. C. Kerry asked Susan didn’t post false information on the Internet. D. Kerry asked Susan if she didn’t post false information on the Internet. 2. “Please stay home when the pandemic is everywhere,” the teacher said to us. A. The teacher said us to stay home when the pandemic was everywhere. B. The teacher asked us stay home when the pandemic was everywhere. C. The teacher asked us to stay home when the pandemic was everywhere. D. The teacher asked us when the pandemic was everywhere and we had to stay home. 3. Please don’t post false information on the Internet,” Kerry said to Susan. A. Kerry asked Susan to post false information on the Internet. B. Kerry asked Susan not to post false information on the Internet. C. Kerry asked Susan didn’t post false information on the Internet. D. Kerry asked Susan if she didn’t post false information on the Internet. 4. We should support medical staff and soldiers in the fight against the pandemic,” he said. A. He told we should support medical staff and soldiers in the fight against the pandemic. B. He said we should support medical staff and soldiers in the fight against the pandemic. C. He said we had to support medical staff and soldiers in the fight against the pandemic. D. He said me we should support medical staff and soldiers in the fight against the pandemic. 5. He said: “It is our responsibility to follow the instructions of the government.” A. He said that it was our responsibility to follow the instructions of the government. B. He said that it is our responsibility to follow the instructions of the government. C. He said that it was our responsibility and followed the instructions of the government. D. He told it was our responsibility to follow the instructions of the government. Please help me!

2 câu trả lời

1 C,2D 3B 4A 5B

1 . D

2 . C

3. D

4 . A

5 . C

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