1. I forgot to thank them............ sending me flowers a. about b. for c. of d. on 2. The farmers look for other work..... get more money for their family a. so as to b.in order that c. so as not to d. so that 3. she was......for days after the accident a. conscious b. unconscious c. consiously d. unconsciously

2 câu trả lời

1. b (thank sb for doing sth)

2. a

3. b (cần một tính từ bất tỉnh)

1. For

-> to thank sb for doing sth

2. so as to

-> S + V +So As+  To + V…

3. unconscious. 

-> cô ấy đã bất tỉnh trong nhiều ngày sau vụ tai nạn

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