1 "Do you mind if I help you with your luggage, sir ?", the receptionist asked => The receptionist offered........ 2 It's a crying shame that I can't come to your wedding this Sunday => I wish...... 3 Believe in yourself and nothing can stop you => If ...........

2 câu trả lời

1. The receptionist offered to help me with my luggage.

2. I wish I could come to your wedding this Sunday.

3. If you believe in yourself , nothing can stop you .

1. The receptionist offered to help me with my luggage.

offered + to V + O

2. I wish I could have come to your wedding that Sunday.

Cấu trúc wish trong quá khứ.

3. If you believe in yourself, nothing can stop you.

Câu điều kiện loại 1.

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