1. Complete the following sentences with have to or must Example: Oh! It’s late. I have to (must) go home now. a) Many children in Britain_______ wear uniform when they go to school. b) You really_____ work harder and harder for the coming examinations. c) Many boys and girls in my school_________ wear glasses because they are short-sighted. d) I’m afraid I can’t come tomorrow. I______ work late to finish my project. e) I________ do my homework every day. f) Sorry. We________ go or we’ll miss the last train. g) – Why _____ he get up early? – Because he_________ deliver milk to every house in the neighborhood. h) You________ put knives out of children’s reach. i) We haven’t got much time. We_________ hurry.

1 câu trả lời

a) must

b)have to

c)have to

d)have to

e)have to



have to



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