1. Circle the best answer 1. They / like / play / piano / every day. a. They likes to play the piano every day. b. They like play the piano every day. c. They like to play the piano every day. 2. When / cool / I / usually / fishing a. When it’s cool, I usually go fishing b. When it’s cool ,I usually going fishing c. When’s cool, I usually go fishing 2. Rewrite 1. London is smaller than Tokyo. => Tokyo is………………………………………….………….. 2. My hobby is playing with my toy. => I like…. .............................................................................. 3. She rides a bike to school. => She goes…........................................................................ 4. Her favorite animal is an elephant. => She……............................................................................... 5. Our school has 1600 students. => There are …………………...............................................

2 câu trả lời

`1` C

`->` like to V-inf : diễn đạt sự lựa chọn hoặc thói quen hay hành động làm việc gì vì nó có ích lợi

`2` A

`->` S + be + N/adj

`->` S + V(+s/es) + ...


`1` Tokyo is bigger than London

`->` Cấu trúc : S + be + adj + ''-er'' + than + S2

`2` I like playing with my toy

`->` like + V-ing : thích làm gì ...

`3` She goes to school by bike

`->` go to school by bike `=` ride a bike

`4` She like an animal

`->` Cấu trúc : S + like(s) + danh từ

`5` There are 1600 students in our school

`->` Cấu trúc : There are + N(số nhiều) + ...

1. c => Chủ ngữ "they" là số nhiều nên động từ like không chia --> Ta loại a. Sau like + to V/$V_{ing}$ --> Ta loại b. Đáp án còn lại là c

2. a => When it's cool, I usually go fishing 

Question 2

1. Tokyo is bigger than London   (Sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh hơn: $S_{1}$ + be + adj + -er + than + $S_{2}$)

2. I like playing with my toy (Cấu trúc: S + like + $V_{ing}$ +...)

3. She goes to school by bike

4. She likes an elephant

5. There are 1600 students in our school

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