Câu hỏi:
2 năm trước

Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

 According to Slate, , the Spanish village of Castrillo de Murcia hosts a yearly festival in which parents baptize their new-borns by having men dress up like the devil and jump over them. Known as El Colacho, the festival reportedly takes place 60 days after Easter each year, during the village’s Corpus Christi feast. “During the holiday, parents with children born during the previous year bring the little tykes out and place them in neat rows of pillows spaced out down a public street.” the report says. Then, while the excited parents look on, men dressed in bright yellow costumes and grotesque masks begin filing through the crowd, whipping bystanders with switches and generally terrorizing everyone.” Sounds freaky, right? Slate says the devils proceed to jump over the rows of babies "like Olympic hurdlers” in order to absolve them of "man’s original transgression.” Once that freaky part is over, the babies get rose petals; sprinkled onto them and are released to their parents. The tradition dates back to the 17th century, says the article, adding that no injuries have ever been reported. Spain saves all of their completely avoidable annual injuries for the Running of the Bulls, obviously.

(Source: http://www.grunge.com)

* Một số từ vựng:

- host (v): đăng cai tổ chức

- baptize: (v) rửa tội

- tykes: (n): đứa trẻ

- freaky: (adj): kì cục

- terrorizing (v): khủng bố

- absolve (v): xóa tội

How do parents baptize their new-borns?    

Trả lời bởi giáo viên

Đáp án đúng: d

Tạm dịch câu hỏi: 

Làm thế nào để cha mẹ rửa tội cho con mới sinh của họ?

A.Mặc quần áo cho chúng 

B.Hãy để chúng nhảy 

C.Nhảy qua chúng 

D.Để một người đàn ông khác nhảy qua chúng

Thông tin:

parents baptize their new-borns by having men dress up like the devil and jump over them.

(cha mẹ rửa tội cho những đứa con mới sinh của họ bằng cách cho những người đàn ông ăn mặc như quỷ và nhảy qua chúng.)

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Thông tin: “parents baptize their new-borns by having men dress up like the devil and jump over them.”

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