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28. We were late for school because of the heavy rain. (because) A. Because the rain was heavy, we come to school late. B. Because it rained heavily, we were late for school. C. We were late for school because the rain is heavy. D. We came to school late because the heavy rain. 29. She prefers watching TV to reading books. A. She would rather watching TV to reading books. B. She would rather watch TV to read books. C. She would rather watch TV than read books. D. She would rather to watch TV than read books. 30. If you wanted my advice, I wouldn’t buy a new house here. A. If I am you, I won’t buy a new house here. B. If I am you, I wouldn’t buy a new house here. C. If I were you, I wouldn’t buy a new house here. D. If I were you, I won’t buy a new house here. 31. Is it alright if I come to the club with you tonight? A.Would you mind if I come to the club with you tonight? B. Would you mind coming to the club with me tonight? C. Would you mind if I came to the club with you tonight? D. Would you mind to come to the club with me tonight? 32. They think that he was a spy. (thought) A. He is thought to be a spy. B. It is thought that he had been a spy. C. It is thought to be a spy. D. He is thought to have been a spy. 33. Has anybody shown you what to do? (have) A. Has you been shown what to do? B. Have you shown what to do? C. Do you have to show what to do? D. Have you been shown what to do? 34. A woman wrote to me. She wants my advice. (who) A. The woman who wants my advice wrote to me. B. A woman wrote to me who wants my advice. C. A woman wrote to me who wanted my advice. D. A woman who wrote to me wanted my advice. 35. They said that the car driver was driving very fast at the time of the crash. A. The car driver is said to drive very fast at the time of the crash. B. The car driver was said to be driving very fast at the time of the crash. C. The car driver is said to be driving very fast at the time of the crash. D. The car driver was said to drive very fast at the time of the crash.

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33. Although / he /tired / he / have to / finish / homework. A. Although he was tired, he has to finish his homework.B. Although he is tired, he has to finish his homework. C. Although he tired, he has to finish the homework. D. Although he is tired, he have to finish the homework. 34. It/ be / necessary / have a day / celebrate / our parents A. It is necessary to have a day to celebrate for our parents. B. It is necessity to have a day to celebrate for our parents. C. It is necessary to have a day to celebrate to our parents. D. It is necessary to have a day for celebrate for our parents. 35. Children / should have / special day / express / feeling / memories / /love/their parents. A. Children should have a special day expressing their feeling, memories and love to their parents. B. Children should have a special day express their feeling, memories and love for their parents. C. Children should have a special day to express their feeling, memories and love for their parents. D. Children should have a special day expressing their feeling, memories and love for their parents. 36. The novels / I / just / read / interesting. A. The novels who I have just read are interesting B. The novels whom I have just read is interesting C. The novels which I had just read is interesting D. The novels which I have just read are interesting. 37. Nam forgot to take his raincoat, so he got wet. A. Nam got wet although he forgot to take his raincoat. B. Nam got wet because he forgot to take his raincoat. C. Nam got wet, so he forgot to take his raincoat. D. Nam got wet; however, he forgot to take his raincoat. 38. No one has asked me that question before. A. I have ever been asked that question before. D. I have never been asked that question before. B. That question has never been asked me before by anyone. C. That question has ever been asked me by no one before. 39. Janet said to me, “Have you ever seen a UFO?” A. Janet asked me if I had ever seen a UFO. B. Janet wanted to know whether I have ever seen a UFO. C. Janet asked me have I ever seen a UFO. D. Janet told me if I had ever seen a UFO. 40. “I will call the police if you don’t give me back my bicycle”. A. Unless you don’t give me back my bicycle, I will call the police. B. Unless you give me back my bicycle, I will call the police. C. Unless you give me back my bicycle, I won’t call the police. D. Unless you gave me back my bicycle, I would call the police LÀM VÀ GIẢI CHHI TIẾT Ạ

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Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning 19. I am PLEASED that you passed your exams with good results. A. bored B. dissatisfied C. delighted D. unhappy 20. Well, shopping ISN'T MY CUP OF TEA either. I’d rather stay at home and read a book. A. I must have regular meals while shopping B. I enjoy shopping tremendously C. I don’t usually drink tea while shopping D. I do not enjoy shopping at all Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning 21. In Vietnam, there are few PUBLIC transport options, so many people rely on motorbikes to get around. A. private B. open C. popular D. secret 22. She FAILED to get into medical university. A. passed B. qualified C. satisfied D. didn’t succeed Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST 16. Around 150 the Greek astronomer Hipparchus developed a system to CLASSIFY stars according to brightness. A. diversify B. shine C. categorize D. record 17. She is always DIPLOMATIC when she deals with angry students. A. firm B. tactful C. strict D. outspoken Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word OPPOSITE 18. He was so INSUBORDINATE that he lost his job within a week. A. disobedient B. obedient C. fresh D. understanding 19. In remote communities, it’s important to REFILL stocks before the winter sets in. A. empty B. replenish C. repeat D. remake CÁC BẠN LÀM VÀ GIẢI CHI TIẾT GIÚP MÌNH VS Ạ

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5. The bamboo used to make conical hats must be split into very thin strings and then put into water _________ they can avoid tearing and any breakage. A. because B. therefore C. although D. so that 6. Children in the poor villages are allowed to go to school without _______ money. A. paid B. to paying C. to pay D. paying 7. John: Thank you for your lovely present. - Sam: “_______” A. Not at all. B. Come on. C. I’m pleased you like it. D. Go ahead. 8. “Do you _________ your new classmate, or do you two argue?” A. look forward to B. get on with C. keep up with D. face up to 9. Aircraft flying in _________ arcs create microgravity for tests and simulations that last 20-25 seconds. A. straight B. circular C. parabolic D. oval 10. Mathematics and Literature are two of_________ subjects in high school examinations. A. compulsory B. adding C. additional D. optional 11. _________ is the act of cutting down or burning the trees in an area. A. Forestation B. Afforestation C. Reforestation D. Deforestation 12. Tom: Can I have a look at that pullover, please?” Sue: “______________” A. It’s much cheaper. B. Which one? This one? C. Can I help you? D. Sorry, it is out of stock. 13. “It sounds like the problem is not your appearance but the_________ you see yourself”, said the advice columnist. A. way B. route C. path D. distance 14. My parents are very proud _________ my result. A. at B. with C. from D. of 15. The flat_________ he lives in is not far from his office. A. when B. what C. which D. where CÁC BẠN LÀM VÀ GIẢI CHI TIẾT GIÚP MÌNH VS Ạ

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8. Are you ______ teaching on Saturday mornings this term? A. likely B. enjoy C. expected D. busy 9. They never came to class late, and _______. A. so did I B. neither I did C. I did either D. neither did I 10. Jeff completely ignored what I said and _____ on eating. A. put B. went C. tried D. depended 11. Mr. Trung, who teaches Maths here, speaks very _____ English. A. good B. Well C. best D. fluently 12. Companies now realize that ____want products that will not only work effectively but also save money. A. consumption B. consumed C. consumers D. consumes 13. I hope ______ to know this beautiful city better. A. to have B. to need C. to get D. to appear 14. Watching TV all day is a bad habit _____ we get no exercise and eat unhealthy snacks. A. therefore B. though C. because D. but 15. I suggest that we should ______ people from catching fish by using electricity. A. let B. encourage C. prohibit D. relate 16. The ones about ______ I have been worried these days are the students of mine. A. which B. whom C. that D. whose 17. Sue: “Thank you very much for your donation.” - Peter: “______” A. Not a chance B. Yes, do it now C. It’s my pleasure D. Sure, I’ll do it 18. Hai Anh: “_______” - Minh Phuong: “Why not?” A. We’d better be cooking the meal. B. You should cook the meal now C. Have you cooked the meal? D. How about cooking the meal now? CÁC BẠN LÀM VÀ GIẢI CHI TIẾT GIÚP MÌNH VS Ạ

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6.Trên cùng một dây dẫn tải đi cùng một công suất điện, nếu dùng dây dẫn có tiết diện tăng 4 lần thì công suất hao phí do tỏa nhiệt sẽ tăng 4 lần. giảm 4 lần. tăng 16 lần. giảm 16 lần. 7.Trong hiện tượng cảm ứng điện từ ta nhận biết được điều gì? Dòng điện xuất hiện trong cuộn dây dẫn đặt gần nam châm. Dòng điện xuất hiện trong cuộn dây đặt trong từ trường của nam châm. Dòng điện xuất hiện khi một cuộn dây dẫn kín quay trong từ trường của nam châm. Dòng điện xuất hiện trong cuộn dây khi cuộn dây chạm vào nam châm. 8.Trên cùng một đường dây tải đi một công suất điện xác định dưới một hiệu điện thế xác định, nếu dùng dây dẫn có đường kính tiết diện giảm đi một nửa thì công suất hao phí vì toả nhiệt sẽ thay đổi như thế nào? Tăng lên hai lần. Tăng lên bốn lần. Giảm đi hai lần. Giảm đi bốn lần. 9.Rôto trong máy phát điện xoay chiều luôn là nam châm. luôn là cuộn dây dẫn. có thể là nam châm hoặc cuộn dây dẫn. là bộ phận đứng yên. 10.Để truyền đi cùng một công suất điện, nếu đường dây tải điện dài gấp đôi thì công suất hao phí vì tỏa nhiệt sẽ tăng 2 lần. tăng 4 lần. giảm 2 lần. không tăng, không giảm. 11.Khi nào dòng điện cảm ứng trong một cuộn dây dẫn kín đổi chiều? Nam châm đang chuyển động thì dừng lại. Cuộn dây dẫn đang quay thì dừng lại. Số đường sức từ xuyên qua tiết diện cuộn dây đang tăng thì giảm hoặc ngược lại. Số đường sức từ xuyên qua tiết diện của cuộn dây liên tục tăng hoặc liên tục giảm. 12.Các bộ phận mà một máy phát điện xoay chiều luôn phải có là nam châm và cuộn dây dẫn. nam châm, cuộn dây dẫn và bộ góp. nam châm và bộ góp. cuộn dây dẫn và bộ góp. 13.Máy biến thế dùng để giữ cho hiệu điện thế ổn định, không đổi. giữ cho cường độ dòng điện ổn định, không đổi. làm tăng hoặc giảm cường độ dòng điện. làm tăng hoặc giảm hiệu điện thế. ( Chuyên Lý cứu em với nhé.-. )

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CÂU CHUYỆN ỐC SÊN Ốc sên con ngày nọ hỏi mẹ: "Mẹ ơi! Tại sao chúng ta từ khi sinh ra phải đeo cái bình vừa nặng vừa cứng trên lưng như thế? Thật mệt chết đi được!" "Vì cơ thể chúng ta không có xương để chống đỡ, chỉ có thể bò, mà bò cũng không nhanh" -Ốc sên mẹ nói. "Chị sâu róm không có xương cũng bò chẳng nhanh, tại sao chị ấy không đeo cái bình vừa nặng vừa cứng đó?""Vì chị sâu róm sẽ biến thành bướm, bầu trời sẽ bảo vệ chị ấy". "Nhưng em giun đất cũng không có xương, cũng bò chẳng nhanh, cũng không biến hoá được, tại sao em ấy không đeo cái bình vừa nặng vừa cứng đó?" "Vì em giun đất sẽ chui xuống đất, lòng đất sẽ bảo vệ em ấy". Ốc sên con bật khóc, nói: "Chúng ta thật đáng thương, bầu trời không bảo vệ chúng ta, lòng đất cũng chẳng che chở chúng ta". "Vì vậy mà chúng ta có cái bình!" Ốc sên mẹ an ủi con : "Chúng ta không dựa vào trời, cũng chẳng dựa vào đất, chúng ta dựa vào chính bản thân chúng ta". (Theo Quà tặng cuộc sống, NXB Thanh niên, 2009) Từ nội dung của văn bản trên, em hãy viết một đoạn văn (khoảng một trang giấy thi) trình bày những suy nghĩ của mình về vai trò của tự lập trong cuộc sống của mỗi con người. KO chép mạng nha!

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