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Name:………………………. HOMEWORK ( No1- week 2) Class: 8……. Mark Teacher ‘s comment A. PHONETICS I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 1.​A. paddy​B. sand​C. travel​D. tribal 2.​A. buffalo​B. photo​C. limestone​D. botanical 3.​A. jungle​B. luggage​C. sunbathe​D. sugar 4.​A. around​B. various​C. sound​D. mountains 5.​A. heritage​B. giant​C. garden​D. village B. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR II. Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the words in brackets. 1.​People believe that the ​​​ water has brought cancer to the local residents. (pollute) 2.​Light pollution make us ​​​ to see the stars in the sky. (able) 3.​Noise is considered as ​​​ pollution. (environment)​​ 4.​​​​ habitats have been destroyed in recent years. (nature) 5.​A number of cleaning products contain ​​​ chemicals. (harm) 6.​Water samples collected at these villages were seriously​ ​​​ with bacteria. (contaminate) 7.​An ​​​ of agrochemicals is pesticides. (illustrate) 8.​Contaminants are usually ​​​ to aquatic plants. (poison) 9.Water ________________ in the lake has made the fish die. (pollute)​ 10. Water pollution is the _________ of body water of lake, river, oceans.(contaminate) III. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form in the bracket. 1.​If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which you (choose) ​​​? 2.​The flight may be cancelled if the fog (get) ​​​ thick. 3.​If the milkman (come) ​​​, tell him to leave two pints. 4.​I (call) ​​​ the office if I were you. 5.​Someone (sit) ​​​ on your glasses if you leave them there.

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Name:………………………. HOMEWORK ( No1- week 2) Class: 8……. Mark Teacher ‘s comment A. PHONETICS I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 1.​A. paddy​B. sand​C. travel​D. tribal 2.​A. buffalo​B. photo​C. limestone​D. botanical 3.​A. jungle​B. luggage​C. sunbathe​D. sugar 4.​A. around​B. various​C. sound​D. mountains 5.​A. heritage​B. giant​C. garden​D. village B. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR II. Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the words in brackets. 1.​People believe that the ​​​ water has brought cancer to the local residents. (pollute) 2.​Light pollution make us ​​​ to see the stars in the sky. (able) 3.​Noise is considered as ​​​ pollution. (environment)​​ 4.​​​​ habitats have been destroyed in recent years. (nature) 5.​A number of cleaning products contain ​​​ chemicals. (harm) 6.​Water samples collected at these villages were seriously​ ​​​ with bacteria. (contaminate) 7.​An ​​​ of agrochemicals is pesticides. (illustrate) 8.​Contaminants are usually ​​​ to aquatic plants. (poison) 9.Water ________________ in the lake has made the fish die. (pollute)​ 10. Water pollution is the _________ of body water of lake, river, oceans.(contaminate) III. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form in the bracket. 1.​If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which you (choose) ​​​? 2.​The flight may be cancelled if the fog (get) ​​​ thick. 3.​If the milkman (come) ​​​, tell him to leave two pints. 4.​I (call) ​​​ the office if I were you. 5.​Someone (sit) ​​​ on your glasses if you leave them there.

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Ai giúp em với ạ: I. VOCABULARY chọn từ trong khung điền vào chỗ trống. a. alcohol    -    ambulance    –    anxiety    –   awake    -    bandage    –    bite bleeding     –     burns     –      conscious     -      crutches     -      eased 1. Your nose is ________________. 2. I became ________________of someone watching me. 3. He has a ________________on his head. 4. According to some articles, eating chocolate can reduce ________________. 5. She was taken to the hospital with serious ________________. 6. He never drinks ________________. 7. I was on ________________for three months after the operation. 8. The noise was keeping everyone ________________. 9. You should call an ________________immediately. 10. Can I have a ________________of your apple? b. eased     –     elevate    –     emergency     -      eye chart     -      fainted Fainting     –      first aid      –       handkerchief      –      hurting     –     injections 1. She wiped her face on a ______________. 2. My back is really ______________me today. 3. The doctor asked me to look at the ______________. 4. Lie down and ______________your feet. 5. You should take a ______________ course in case of emergency. 6. The children hate getting ______________. 7. She ______________ from hunger. 8. ______________ can happen when somebody is too hungry. 9. The staff need to know what to do in an ______________. 10. The pain immediately _____________

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21. A______ can be an ancient story about brave people or magical events that are probably not true. A. table​ B. Fairy tale C. folktale D. legend 22. The main_________ of the fable “The Tortoise and the Hare” are a tortoise and a hare. A. characters​ B. personalities C. plots D. titles 23. A/ An_______ is a human-like creature, but it is extremely tall, strong and often bad and cruel. A. mermaid​ B. giant C . ogre D. elf 24. The fox used his tricks to get food from the crow. What a_______ fox! A. mean​ B. stupid C. cunning D. fierce 25. The Snow White’s stepmother is_________ . She has tried to kill her several times. A. ugly ​B. kind C.clever D. evil 26. A good_______ quickly chanted a magic spell to change the curse. A. emperor​ B. fairy C. knight D. dwarf 27. In folk tales like Little Red Riding Hood, the_______ is always bad. A. lion​ B. horse C. wolf​​​ D. hare 28. One day, Mai An Tiem________ a bird eating a red fruit. A. see B. saw ​C. is seeing D. was seeing 29. .______ to the princess at midnight last night? A. Was a fairy talking B. Did a fairy talk C. Has a fairy talked​ D. Does a fairy talk 30. When Tam__________ her hair, Cam all fish from Tam’s basket into hers. A. washed – poured was ​ B. washing – was pouring​ C. was washing – poured​ D. was washing – was pouring 31. Thach Sanh was very ________ when he let Ly Thong and his mother go back to their home town. A. selfish B. mean C. generous D. brave 32. The ogre was so ___________, and was about to catch Thach Sanh with its sharp claws. A. fierce B. mean C. clever D. ugly 33. Thach Sanh was so _____ that he could push back the troops with his magical guitar and rice pot. A. kind B. clever C. hard-working D. fast 34. An Tiem was very ____________ to move to a deserted island. A. brave B. honest C. kind D. generous 35. Khoai was very _________, but his landowner was ___________. A. lazy-cunning B. clever-brave C. honest-wise D. honest-cunning 36. Tam was a very _________ girl who had to work all day. A. mean B. generous C. hard-working D. lazy 37. Cam was very __________ when she killed the nightingale, cooked it and threw the feathers in the Imperial Garden. A. wicked B. ugly C. honest D. mean 38. Luu Binh was very _________ to invite Duong Le to come and live with him. A. selfish B. kind C. mean D. brave 39. The toad was very ___________ because he tried to find way to the heaven to sue God. A. brave ​B. kind C. generous ​​ D.mean

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I.Choose the best answer 1.How long ..........Jane ? –Since she was a child. A.do you know B.did you know C.had you know D.have you known 2.Although it will be more...to shop in the new mall, some people in the neighborhood are not happy A.comfortable B.inconvenient C.difficult D.different 3.There were a lot of people on the bus. It was ............than usual. A.as crowded B.more crowded C.so crowded D.much crowded 4.The shirt is ..........as that one. A.as expensive B.expensive C.the same expensive D.more expensive. 5.Mary looks............her mother. A.as B.the same C.like D.as same as 6.My neighbor.......to me ........more than two months. A.didn’t talk/ since B.doesn’t talk/ for C.hasn’t talked/for D.haven’t talked/for 7.She ..........time to do any shopping.........last Sunday. A.doesn’t have/ since B.hasn’t had/ for C.hasn’t had/ since D.didn’t have/for 8.John...........for 3 jobs.........he left school last year. A.had applied/ since B.applied/ since C.has applied/ for D.has applied/ since 9.I .........to the office every day last week. A.drove B.drive C.have drived D.had drived 10.Look at Tom’s suit. Is it ...........mine? A.the same style that B.the same style than C.the same style as D.as same as 11.The ........of the small stores in the neighborhood are especially worried. A.shop-keepers B.shoppers C.owners D.shop-assistants 12.Customers won’t mind the.......outside. A.weather B.climate C.cold D.heat 13.It is very different from the .........shopping area. A.older B.being C.present D.now 14.The stores in the mall will offer a wide ..........of products and goods. A.selection B.choice C.difference D.possibility 15.And some of products are at cheaper............ A.prizes B.costs C.prices D.charges 16. Do you want to send this letter airmail or _________? A. mail B. surface mail C. e-mail D. Taste 17. The garden is the same __________ the one I saw last week. A. than B. from C. as D.to 18.The Maori in New Zealand greet each other by ……………………….. their noses. A. punching B. touching C. blowing D. hitting 19. Australia is composed of seven ………………….. A. nations ​B. countries​C. states D. cities 20.There is a red maple leaf on the ………………… of Canada. A. flag B. banner C. money D. poster

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1.Choose the best answers. Coming to New Zealand, you will be surprised by its many _____ views. A. breath-taking B. taking-breath C. breath-take D. take-breath 2.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given words. The castle looks as charming as a lady with ________________ beauty. END 3.Combine each pair of the following sentences using the words/phrases in brackets. There was damage to our property because of the fire. (RESULTED IN) 4.Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage. Why is it necessary to learn English? English is the most commonly used language among foreign language (1) ___________. Nowadays, when people from different nationalities (2) ______________ to communicate, they commonly use English language. If you can speak English fluently, you have more chances of making friends with foreigners. It helps you connect with and (3) _________ from people of different cultures. In (4) __________ of career aspects, knowing English (5) _____________ up job opportunities. Being able to communicate with foreign clients and business partners (6) _______________ you a more challenging position in your career. (7) _________ English is the language of the Film industry and learning it (8) _______________ you will no longer have to rely on subtitles or dubbed versions. You will also be able to read books written by English-speaking authors in their original version. Last but not least, music is much better if you can understand the meaning. We are sure that you will be satisfied to enjoy English-language music morel. 1. A. speakers B. tellers C. talkers D. chatters 2. A. wants B. want C. is wanting D. are wanting 3. A. learn B. learns C. is learning D. are learning 4. A. ways B. means C. terms D. references 5. A. opens B. is opening C. has opened D. opened 6. A. provide B. provides C. is providing D. had provided 7. A. Moreover B. Therefore C. However D. Instead 8. A. means B. meaning C. mean D. meant

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1. I bought a lot of different gifts in a ________ A. temple B. food stall C. restaurant D. souvenir shop 2. The family _________ an apartment next door to mine. A. moved B. arrived C. rented D. stayed 3. ________ to the office yesterday? A. Do you go B. Did you go C. Will you go D. Are you going 4. Mr Nhung learned how _____ a sewing machine. A. uses B. used C. using D. to use 5. When _____ he born? A. is B. are C. was D. were 6. She ________ but it didn’t fit. A. tried it on B. tried it up C. tried on it D. tries it on 7. My brother returned home last night. A. arrived B. came back C. traveled D. visited 8. After their visit to the aquarium, they went to a food stall _______ lunch. A. at B. to C. for D. in 9. She made a cushion _________ her armchair. A. with B. for. C. of D. on 10. Did Liz buy any ________ in Nha Trang? A. gifts B. picture C. cap D. hat 11. Hoa’s _______ is sewing A. like B. hobby C. free time D. enjoyment 12. Liz’s cap has a picture of a _______ on it. A. sharks B. dolphin C. turtles D. whale 13. What do you think _____ Nha Trang? A. to B. for C. of D. on 14. It’s not difficult to keep _____ touch with people in other countries. A. at B. to C. in D. on 15. When my father visited Hue, he _________ A. bought for me a gift B. bought a gift to me C. bought a gift me D. bought me a gift 16. What time did he _____ home last night? A. get B. come C. arrive D. all are correct 17. _____ to brush your teeth after meals A. Don’t forget B. Remember C. Not forget D. A and B are correct 18. My parents ____ me Cham Temple and Tri Nguyen aquarium last year A. take/ see B. took/ to see C. took/ see D. took/ saw 19. We should keep our teeth_________ A. cleaning B. to clean C. be clean D. clean 20. Were you tired _____ the trip? – No, I wasn’t. I had a great time A. when B. before C. while D. after

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