1. I bought a lot of different gifts in a ________ A. temple B. food stall C. restaurant D. souvenir shop 2. The family _________ an apartment next door to mine. A. moved B. arrived C. rented D. stayed 3. ________ to the office yesterday? A. Do you go B. Did you go C. Will you go D. Are you going 4. Mr Nhung learned how _____ a sewing machine. A. uses B. used C. using D. to use 5. When _____ he born? A. is B. are C. was D. were 6. She ________ but it didn’t fit. A. tried it on B. tried it up C. tried on it D. tries it on 7. My brother returned home last night. A. arrived B. came back C. traveled D. visited 8. After their visit to the aquarium, they went to a food stall _______ lunch. A. at B. to C. for D. in 9. She made a cushion _________ her armchair. A. with B. for. C. of D. on 10. Did Liz buy any ________ in Nha Trang? A. gifts B. picture C. cap D. hat 11. Hoa’s _______ is sewing A. like B. hobby C. free time D. enjoyment 12. Liz’s cap has a picture of a _______ on it. A. sharks B. dolphin C. turtles D. whale 13. What do you think _____ Nha Trang? A. to B. for C. of D. on 14. It’s not difficult to keep _____ touch with people in other countries. A. at B. to C. in D. on 15. When my father visited Hue, he _________ A. bought for me a gift B. bought a gift to me C. bought a gift me D. bought me a gift 16. What time did he _____ home last night? A. get B. come C. arrive D. all are correct 17. _____ to brush your teeth after meals A. Don’t forget B. Remember C. Not forget D. A and B are correct 18. My parents ____ me Cham Temple and Tri Nguyen aquarium last year A. take/ see B. took/ to see C. took/ see D. took/ saw 19. We should keep our teeth_________ A. cleaning B. to clean C. be clean D. clean 20. Were you tired _____ the trip? – No, I wasn’t. I had a great time A. when B. before C. while D. after

2 câu trả lời

1D 2C 3B 4D 5C 6A 8C 9D 10A 11B 12B 13C 14C 15D 16D 17A 19D 20D

1. D

2. C

3. B

4. D

5. C

6. A

7. B

8. C

9. D

10. A

11. B

12. B

13. C

14. C

15. D

16. D

17. D

18. B

19. D

20. D

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