Bài1Đặt các câu tác động thành bị động 1My sister opened the two packages 2Our teacher corrects our homework 3They didn't clean the room carefully yesterday 4They deliver the newspapers to this office twice a day 5.Did that mechanic do the repair work? 6All the villagers respect the old man 7Do they give many courses in English during the summer? 8They built another bridge across the river last year

2 câu trả lời

1. Two packages were opened by my sister

2. Our homework is corrected by our teacher

3. The room wasn't cleaned carefully yesterday

4. The newspapers are delivered to this office twice a day

5. Was the repair work done by that mechanic?

6. The old man is respected by all the villagers

7. Are many courses in English given during the summer?

8. Another bridge was built across the river last year.

*Bạn tham khảo nhé!!!!

1: Two packages were opened by my sister

2: Our homework is corrected by our teacher

3: The room wasn't cleaned (by them) carefully yesterday

4: The newspapers are delivered (by them) to this office twice a day

5: Was the work repaired by the mechanic?

6: The old man is respected by all the villagers

7: Were many courses in E. given during the summer?

8: Another bridge was built across the river last year

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