Bài1Đặt câu với các từ gợi ý.Sử dụng thể bị động và thì hiện tại đơn 1.This computer/make/in the USA 2.These machines/make/in Scotland 3.The money/change into dollars/at the bank 4.Cheese/make/from milk 5.The house/paint/every year Bài2 Đặt câu với các từ gợi ý.Sử dụng thể bị động và Quá khứ đơn 1.My bicycle/steal/yesterday 2.The parcel/post/yesterday morning 3.The children/give/some homework 4.Several people/hurt/in an accident last night 5.Weather reports/broadcast/every morning

2 câu trả lời

Bài1: Đặt câu với các từ gợi ý.Sử dụng thể bị động và thì hiện tại đơn:

1. This computer is made in the USA.

2. These machines are made in Scotland.

3. The money is changed into dollars at the bank.

4. Cheese is made from milk.

5. The house is painted every year.

Bài2: Đặt câu với các từ gợi ý.Sử dụng thể bị động và Quá khứ đơn:

1. My bicycle was stolen yesterday.

2. The parcel was posted yesterday morning.

3. The children were given some homework.

4. Several people were hurt in an accident last night.

5. Weather reports were broadcasted every morning.

Bài 1:

1. This computer is made in the USA.

2. These machines are made in Scotland.

3. The money is changed into dollars at the bank.

4. Cheese is made from milk.

5. The house is painted every year.

Bài 2:

1. My bicycle was stolen yesterday.

2. The parcel was posted yesterday morning.

3. The children were given some homewwork.

4. Several people were hurt in an accident last night.

5. Weather reports was broadcast every morning.

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