Write the comparative or superlative from of the words in brackets 1. The weather is getting ___________ .(bad) 2. Minh look ___________ than he did. (Thin) 3. It is ____________ than usual in my town today. (big) 4. They'll even be ___________ if you that again. (annoyed) 5. Monutains are ______________ than hills.(big) 6. School days are the ___________ days of my life. (happy) 7. The air in the cityí much __________ than that in the country. (dirty) 8. She live in the ____________ house in the village. (large) 9. Who is ___________, Tom or Tim? (good) 10. Going on a trip is __________ than staying at home. (Interesting) 11. Tokyo is exciting, but, for a musician, London is ________ than Tokyo, and, of courese, New York is the ________ of all. (exciting) 12. It is said that engilish is _________ than french. (easy) Mong được giúp đỡ

2 câu trả lời

1 badly

2 thinner

3 bigger

4 annoyed

5 bigger

6 happily


8 large

9 better

10 more interesting

11 more exciting / most exciting

12 easier

1. worse

2. thinner

3. bigger

4. more annoyed

5. bigger

6. happiest

7. dirtier

8. largest

9. better

10. more interesting

11. more exciting - most exciting

12. easier

Cấu trúc:

*So sánh hơn (comparative)

-Tính từ ngắn:

S1 + is/am/are + adj-er + than + S2

-Tính từ dài:

S1 + is/am/are + more + adj + than + S2

-Tính từ đặc biệt (special adj):

S1 + is/am/are + special adj + than + S2

*So sánh hơn nhất (superlative)

-Tính từ ngắn:

S + is/am/are + the + adj-est + O

-Tính từ dài:

S + is/am/are + the most + adj + O

-Tính từ đặc biệt (special adj)

S + is/am/are + the + special adj + O

Một số tính từ đặc biệt khi chuyển sang dạng so sánh hơn và so sánh hơn nhất:

good/well → better → best

far → farther/further → farthest/furthest

many/much → more → most

happy → happier → happiest

clever → cleverer → cleverest

bad → worse → worst
