write an email (100-120 words) to your foreign friend about natural disaster happening in vietnam that you witnessed or heard about

2 câu trả lời

Nghe An Province was badly affected again when a typhoon hit the area last night. The storm began at around 11 p.m. and raged thoughout the night. Dozens of people were seriously injured and hundreds of others were left homeless. The severe winds caused extensive damage to property, including homes and businesses, particularly in Cua Lo, a coastal town in Nghe An. The storm had already weakened by the time emergency workers arrived in the area. Rescue operations have started and many people trapped in collapsed or damaged buidings have been freed. Workers are now clearing up the debris left behind by the severe storm. The government has already sent rescue equipment to Nghe An, as well as food and medical supplies. People left homeless have been taken to safe areas, where temporary accommodation will be built to house them. The weather bureau has issued flood warning for Nghe An and nearby provinces as heavy rain is expected to continue over the next few days.

Hi friend, 
This weekend, I don´t have to work and I use to work my weekends. It could be fantastic but I have a exam of english. Also I have a very bad exam because my grandmother and cousin were in the hospital. This Fryday, I improve my english for diferents ways as internet or books. My problem is that I´m not creative for writing part. If I have a e-mail for a friend, I don´t think ideas about a free weekend. It´s better for my that I talk about my real situation. After my exam of english I will have other exam more important for me because it´s for my perfect job with children in public education. I´m sorry that I can´t see you but I promise to see you on summer. 
Your friend, Wind

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