write about what your family do at weekend . CÁC ANH CHỊ GIÚP EM VỚI Ạ MAI EM PHẢI NHẠP RỒI T_T

2 câu trả lời

Saturday is a day to do things with family and friend. . We may plan a nice lunch with our daughter and grandchildren; or have brunch with friends. We may do things that need to be done around the house.

We start Sunday morning drinking coffee and reading the newspapers and read the news on our phones. We watch all the political shows and discuss the topics of the day. Later in the morning, we clean the house and change sheets. Then it is time for naps!

We are retired now and the the funny thing about our “rituals “ are that they have never changed!

On the weekends, the whole family gathered together to have a picnic. My parents prepare food and drinks. We prepare furniture, tables and chairs. When we went to a picnic, everyone had fun and ate together. Eating outdoors feels so comfortable, I feel great. I've always liked weekends.

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