write about how to prepare when a natural disaster happens. (80-100 words) giúp mình vs đang cần gấp mình vote cho 5 sao

2 câu trả lời

Preparation can protect us from being victims of a natural disaster. To prepare for a tornado, firstly we have to learn the signs of a tornado so that we can know that there will be a tornado. The signs include a dark, greenish sky; large hail; dark, low clouds; and loud roaring sounds. During the tornado, we should go to the safe places in our house and get away from the window because the windows can be broken into pieces by the tornado and people can get injured if they are close to them. More importantly, we should lie down and cover our heads with our hands to avoid being hit into our heads. After the tornado, we should get away from any damage and listen to the news.

Heya !!!
Don't be scared, be prepared: Dealing with Natural Disasters. 
A 'natural disaster' is a major event resulting from natural processes of the Earth. It causes a great loss of life and property. During such disasters, the number of people who are rendered, trippled and houseless is more than the number of people who loose their lives. Even the economy of the place which faces a natural disaster, gets effected.
It is true that a natural disaster is a natural process and we cannot stop it but by making certain preparations, we can reduce the magnitude of the loss to life and property. First of all we should reduce global warming which is the root cause of all the problems. We should also have insurance policies so that we could have sufficient money to rebuilt our lives after any such disaster. The scientists should invent advance warning systems. While construction we should make sure that it is strong enough to withstand earthquakes. We should educate people about evacuation during any disaster.
Hence, by taking some precautions we can cape with the natural disasters. 
Hope it helps.

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