Write a thank- you note about "A present from a friend" (4=>8 sentences) Các bác giúp Bơ nhaeee Trả công cho bác nào làm hay nhất ạa

2 câu trả lời

Dear Michael!

Last sunday,I have received a letter from you with a present.I really like it,it's my dream toy and now I have it,the skateboard.I am very happy to have a friend like you and have a big present.This can be my memory so I can say thanks only.If you had read this letter from me please write another letter to me and let's chat about this skateboard on the letter

Your faithfully,

Study well!

Hi Friend!

Thank for the present you gave me bro!Wanna sometimes hangout with me?I will wait for your reponse

P/s:Join the Arena of Valor on Monday at 10:00 Pm(Happy to see you there)

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