Write a paragraph to tell about your favorite folk tale that you have ever read or heard about. Tell the reasons you like it and the moral thing(s) you're learnt from the story. Giúp mk với !!!! ~_~

2 câu trả lời

đây nhé:

My favorite folk story is about the fact that I have to pay back gold. In a certain family, there are two brothers, the mother died early, living with the old father very well. Shortly after the brothers were married, the father became seriously ill and died. the brother took all the property he had for a little sister with a star fruit tree. the husband and wife ate happily, and the younger sibling had to work hard, take care of the star fruit tree and the fruit tree for sale. One day there was a bird from where I ate all of the star fruit and said, "Eat a piece of fruit and pay a piece of gold ...." From then on, the youngest brother and wife lived well, the greedy oldest brother and wife asked for a change of fortune, he Just get the star fruit tree, hoping to help the magic bird. Indeed, but because his elder brother was too greedy and took a lot of gold, he fell into the sea of ​​death. From then on, the siblings and their brothers and sisters lived happily and happily together. , embrace, help yield to each other.
Always be diligent, hard working with all your heart to achieve good results. If you live a gentle and kind life as husband and wife, you will be rewarded.
Do not let your greed blur your eyes like your brother will eventually suffer the consequences of his own cause, even if he hugged a pile of gold but ended up falling into the deep sea.

Tham khảo ạ 


My favorite folk tale is Little Red Riding Hood. The story is about a little girl, called the Little Red Riding Hood, going into the woods to come to her house to give food to her sick grandmother. A wolf watched over her and made plans to eat her. The wolf asked where the girl was going and she innocently answered, and then the wolf told her to pick flowers. Meanwhile, the wolf came to the house to eat the grandmother and pretended to be the grandmother of the little red riding hood. When she arrived, she was also eaten by a wolf. A hunter came to operate the wolf's belly, saving both the little girl and her grandmother. Stone was placed in the wolf's belly and killed the wolf. After all, Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother lived happily together.

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