Write a paragraph of about 80 – 120 words on the topic: “ How to save energy?”. The following suggestions may help you. - Turn off the lights when not necessary. - Prepare food carefully before turning on the stove. - Keep the refrigerator door closed. - Take a shower instead of a bath. - Take a bus or bike to school. - …………..

1 câu trả lời

1. Increase the temperature of the refrigerator
Refrigerators consume about 20% of the electricity of all appliances in the house. Make sure the power save mode switch is always turned on. Check the gaskets around the door to make sure they stay clean and snug.
2. Set the washing machine to warm or cold water, not the hot wash mode.
This will reduce about 227 kg of CO2 for electric machines to heat water and 68 kg of CO2 for gas types.
3. Make sure that when washing dishes with a machine, the bowls and dishes must be filled in the basket.
You can turn off the chopsticks drying mode. This will save you 20% on your dishwasher's electricity consumption.

4. Reduce household waste by minimizing the use of pre-packaged products or by using products that are reusable and recyclable. Cutting or recycling every kilogram of waste to the environment will save you energy

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