Write a paragraph in about 90 words to describe your last vacation. Focus on the following points. Where did you go? -Who did you go with? -How did you travel there? -What did you do there? -Who and what did you visit? -What did you eat? -What did you buy?

2 câu trả lời

Last summer, I went to Cua lo with my family. We went there by car, it is very far from my house, it is about 400 km, so we were very tired, but at one we felt better when we saw the sea.

Cua lo beach is really interesting, the beach is very large, flat, and it has a lot of sand. Waves are very strong, you will be very excited when you play with it. There are a lot of beauty spots, and good seafood there

We stayed in Binh Minh hotel. It was a very nice and comfortable hotel, it’s also rather near the sea.

The weather was hot and sunny all day. The sea was cool and clear, because it was very windy in the afternoon. We went swimming twice a day. My children was excited about it. The food was extremely delicious but not very expensive.

We took a lot of Photograps of the sea, bought a lot of seafood especially octopus and some sea present for our relatives

After a week in Cua lo beach we felt happy and stronger.

We hope to go there again.

   I had a holiday in Hoi An with my family last year. It was very funny. Today I’ll tell you about my holiday.
Well, Hoi An  is a old Quarter of Vietnam. This beautiful place is a popular destination for tourists because of its wonderful beaches with turquoise water. On our five days there, we enjoyed eating seafood, sightseeing some famous places and walking along the river or around Hoi An at night. All the sights are so magnificent . The weather was perfect, too. It was sunny and windy during the time we were there. Local people are also very hospitable. The trip has made a good impression on all members in my family.

Next year, if we have time, we will come back this great city. 


  Tôi đã có một kỳ nghỉ ở Hội An với gia đình vào năm ngoái. Nó rất vui nhộn. Hôm nay tôi sẽ nói với bạn về kỳ nghỉ của tôi.
    Hội An là một khu phố cổ của Việt Nam. Địa điểm tuyệt đẹp này là một điểm đến phổ biến cho khách du lịch vì những bãi biển tuyệt vời với nước màu ngọc lam. Vào năm ngày của chúng tôi ở đó, chúng tôi thích ăn hải sản, tham quan một số địa điểm nổi tiếng và đi bộ dọc bờ sông hoặc dạo quanh Hội An vào ban đêm. Tất cả các điểm tham quan là rất tráng lệ. Thời tiết thật hoàn hảo Trời nắng và gió trong suốt thời gian chúng tôi ở đó. Người dân địa phương cũng rất hiếu khách. Chuyến đi đã tạo ấn tượng tốt cho tất cả các thành viên trong gia đình tôi.
Năm tới, nếu có thời gian, chúng tôi sẽ trở lại thành phố tuyệt vời này.