/ Write a new sentence with the some meaning containing the word in capitals. 1. He was so brave that he could tell her what he thought about her. (IT) ____________________________________________________________ 2. Your bad news upsets me very much. (SORRY) ____________________________________________________________ 3. There has been a slight drop in the number of people using public transport. (SLIGHTLY) ____________________________________________________________ 4. Revising for exams takes up all my time at the moment. (BUSY) ____________________________________________________________ 5. There was an increased demand for travel, so the government decided to invest in building the very first metro system. (AS) ____________________________________________________________ 6. I don‟t know much about historical events, so I can’t help her with her history homework. (IF) ____________________________________________________________ 7. This is the first time I have heard about the tram system in Hanoi. (NEVER) ____________________________________________________________ 8. Firefighters spent two hours releasing the driver from the wreckage. (IT) ____________________________________________________________ 9. They took the president to the hospital for an emergency operation. (WAS) ____________________________________________________________ 10. I had saved my document before the computer crashed. (AFTER) ____________________________________________________________

2 câu trả lời

1 it is brave of him to tell  her what he thought about her.

2. iam sorry to hear your bad news

3. The number of people using public transport has dropped slightly.

4 I'm busy revising for exams at the moment.

5 The government decided to invest in building the very first metro systems as there was an increased demand for travel.

6 if i knew much about historical events,  I could help her with her history homework.

7. i have never heard about the tram system in Hanoi.

8. it took firefighters two hours to release the driver from the wreckage.

9 the president was taken to the hospital for an emergency operation.

10.the computer crashed after I had saved my document

1. It was brave of him to tell her what he thought about her 

2 I'm sorry to hear your bad news

3 The number of people using public transport has dropped slightly

4 I'm busy revising for an exam at the moment.

5 the government decided to invest in building the very first metro system as there was an increased demand for travel

6. If I knew historical events, I could help her with her history homework.

7 I have never heard about the tram system in Hanoi before

8 It takes firefighters 2 hours to release the driver from the wreckage.

9 the president was taken to the hospital for an emergency operation.

10 After the computer had crashed I saved my document

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