“What should teenagers do to help the community nowadays?” Viết đoạn văn nha

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There are many things done to improve the community by teenagers nowadays. First of all, volunteering work is the best choice. Instead of spending all day on the TV or computer, they can help the old do housework. There is sometimes an orphanage where disabled children live, so they can go there to play with them. It not only helps the community but also helps disabled children have more confidence. Furthermore, teenagers can protect the environment. It is very easy to do such as throwing rubbish in the trash, planting more trees. Another thing teenagers can do to help the community is study. Learning to build the future. Uncle Ho said:' For a 10-year career, one must plant trees, for a one-hundred-year career, one must plant people.'; so that we can understand the advantages of teenagers' studying. In short, there are three main ways that can be done to assist the community to become better.

Teenagers are the future generation of our country, that is the reason why they must know what they should do to help the community nowadays. First of all, teenagers can help the community protect the environment. It is a good idea for teenagers to keep the environment clean by participating programs such as collecting garbage on the streets, reusing and recycling bottles and cans. Furthermore, it would be better if teenagers help the poor and the old. For example, teenagers can help them with a lot of hard work or take care of them when they are sick. Another thing teenagers can do to help the community is to do much voluntary work. Why don't they donate their blood and join many campaigns such as green summer, world hour etc... In conclusion, teenagers can help the community very much by the following way I have mentioned above.                                                                              Xin 5 sao