What is the glass capsule ?(Trả lời bằng Tiếng Anh

2 câu trả lời

Peony root bark of Peony, a perennial woody tree. May be 1-2m high, roots develop into tubers. Leaves alternate, usually divided into 3 leaflets, leaflets in the middle divided into 3 lobes, upper surface green, underside hairy, pale white. Solitary flowers growing at the end of very large branches. Trang 5-6 or more depending on planting techniques or varieties selected, purple or white red.

Chem Anchor Caps are a sealed glass capsule unit system, each capsule contains an optimum measure of high strength polyester resin, hardener and quartz aggregate. These capsules are designed for a 'spin-in' installation when used with chisel point chemical studs in concrete