What if humans could be immortal? Write 50 sentences expressing your thoughts

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If your life expectancy lasts 20 or 30 years, you will probably feel happy to be reunited with your grandchildren and great-grandchildren and watch them grow up. If your life expectancy was extended by 100 or 200 years, you would be surprised at the changes in science, political institutions, people's way of life… But if you live another 300, 400, 500, 1000 years or more, do you know what you're going to do and how? Future scientists and sociologists have imagined helping us part of that perspective.

Once you have reached the threshold of immortality, you will no longer have to think about having children, inheriting the breed. According to the calculations of population experts, from now to 2050, if the average life expectancy of people is only "new" at 120, the world population can decrease significantly. At first, it sounds like a good sign, but in the end it is a disaster: because then children under the age of 4 will have only 6% of the population, while the number of elderly people over 60 years old will be reduced. up to 20%. How sad and tasteless life will be when a child has to suffer… playing with three old people, while normally an old man will have more joy and laughter when watching the children play and show enough all the fun!

Not stopping here, experts also predict that immortal life will be the main culprit of conflicts and rifts in society and future families.

Indeed, just imagining the prospect of hundreds of years, thousands of years being "stuck" under the same roof with the same face, many people have to sigh in frustration. Can anyone be sure that in the immortal world, divorce stories will not become commonplace, plus the need for genetic inheritance is no longer, the concept of family will forever be lost in any dictionary in the world. future! And yet, in that immortal world, what does the State do to be able to regularly pay pensions for so many people who refuse to… surrender? And where will religion go when the concept of heaven or nirvana is no longer valid? Immortals do not need words of comfort from religion, because religion is only used to reassure the spirit and emotions of the living when seeing their loved ones die forever, bringing faith to the sick and sick. fear that one day death will knock on the door… Religion is gone, maybe society doesn't carry an old burden that is heavier than… unemployment? Then one day, when one has lived so long on earth, when all means to satisfy man's dreams, pleasures and needs have been exhausted, will there be jealousy among immortals? hate, envy, stress, depression, and its consequences worse than war?

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