VIII. Fill in each blank with the correct preposition. 1. Land pollution is responsible for damage done natural habitat of animals. 2. Americans throw twenty-eight and a half million tons of plastic in landfills every year. 3. Scientists have come up new ways of saving energy. 4. Thousands of people were exposed radiation when the nuclear plant exploded. 5. Waste water from many factories which is dumped water bodies directly causes water pollution. IX. Read the passage and complete the sentences. True (T) or false (F). Air pollution is a serious problem in many cities. Motor vehicles, factories and other sources create so much air pollution that it may hang in the air like dirty fog. Air pollution threatens the health of the people who live in cities. City wastes cause water pollution when they are poured into the waterways. These wastes kill fish and make some areas unfit for swimming. In addition, many large cities have difficulties in disposing of their garbage. The amount of garbage grows each year, but places to put it are quickly filling up. Citizens, governments, industries, scientists, and business people must work together in different ways to gradually reduce pollution. For example, most cities have introduced recycling programmes. ¨ 1. Motor vehicles and factories are among some sources of air pollution. ¨ 2. Air pollution doesn’t endanger people’s health in some cities. ¨ 3. Air pollution is the only problem of the environment mentioned in this passage. ¨ 4. Garbage disposal is a problem in many large cities. ¨ 5. Everyone must cooperate to reduce pollution. ¨ 6. We can reduce pollution by recycling programmes only. X. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Light pollution is not (1) serious as water or air pollution. (2) , it is the type of pollution that (3) more in cities than in rural areas. In the past, we could sit out at night and (4) at glittering stars in the sky and light from objects in the outer space. Nowadays, cities are covered with lights from buildings, streets, advertising displays, many of which direct the lights up into the sky and into many unwanted places. The real problem is that it is very (5) to apply light to almost everything at night. Millions of tons of oil and coal (6) to produce the power to light the sky. Eye strain, (7) of vision and stress are what people may get from light pollution. (8) light at night can harm our eyes and also harm the hormones that help us to see things properly. 1. A. as B. more C. much D. only 2. A. Moreover B. However C. Therefore D. Nevertheless 3. A. happen B. occur C. occurs D. is occurred 4. A. watch B. see C. spend D. gaze 5. A. waste B. wasteful C. wasting D. wastes 6. A. used B. using C. is used D. are used 7. A. lose B. lost C. loss D. losing 8. A. Very much B. Too much C. Too many D. So many XI. Read the following passage and then answer the questions below it. Air pollution is a cause of ill-health in human beings. In a lot of countries there are laws limiting the amount of smoke which factories can produce. Although there isn’t enough information on the effects of smoke in the atmosphere, doctors have proved that air pollution causes lung diseases. The gases from the exhausts of cars have also increased air pollution in most cities. The lead in petrol produces a poisonous gas which often collects in busy streets surrounded by high buildings. Children who live in areas where there is a lot of lead in the atmosphere cannot think as quickly as other children and they are clumsy when they use their hands. There are other long-term effects of pollution. If the gases in the atmosphere continue to increase, the earth’s climate may become warmer. A lot of the ice near the Poles may melt and may cause serious floods. 1. What can make people sick? 2. Where does smoke come from? 3. Can air pollution cause lung diseases? 4. What else can cause air pollution in cities? 5. Why does the earth’s climate become warmer? Làm hộ mình 3 bài này nhé

2 câu trả lời


1. Polluted

2. Unable

3. Enviromental

4. Natural

5. Harmful

Bài X nha : 

1B 2A 3C 4D 5D 6D 7C 8B 

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