VII. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each unfinished sentence below or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase. 37. In 1876, the telephone ______ first introduced by Bell and Watson. a. was b. is c. has been d. had been 38. It’s important ______wildlife in the area. a. to conserve b. conserving c. conservation d. conserve 39. Japan _____ 40% of its waste. a. reuses b. recycles c. refill d. broken 40. We were delighted_____your letter yesterday. a. to get b. got c. getting d. get 41. Sooner or later a satellite _______ by a large piece of rubbish. a. will destroy b. will destroyed c. will be destroyed d. will been destroyed 42. Let’s play tennis instead of _____ television. a. watch b. watching c. watches d. to watch 43. Everything depends on what you mean____the word “free”. a. about b. by c. of d. for 44. We should use______bags instead of plastic bags. a. cloth b. clothes c. clothed d. clothing 45. Beer_____for breakfast in England years ago. a. used be drunk b. used to be drunk c. used to drunk d. used to be drank 46. I____some rice on the floor of the chicken coop. a. scattered b. grew c. threw away d. raised

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Choose the best answer from the four options given (marked A, B, C, or D) 6. My house needs …………….. A. to build B.building C. was built D. has been built 7. He suggested ………… a soccer match A. watch B. watching C. to watch 8. They have driven a car ……… 8 years A. since B. in C. for D. at 9. His house looks very large and beautiful. It is _________house. A. a seven-room B. a seven-rooms C. seven room D. seven rooms 10. If you get up early, you _________late. A. weren't B. wouldn't be C. aren't D. won't be 11. It's very hot today. I wish I _________on the beach now. A. am B. was C. were D. had been 12. When he lived in the city, he _________to the theater twice a week. A. uses to go B. has gone C. used to go D. was going 13. My father wishes I _________too much time playing computer games. A. don’t spend B. didn’t spend C. haven’t spent D. is spending 14. It’s very interesting …………in a swimming pool A. to swim B. swimming C. swim D. swam 15. If I were a flower, I _________a sunflower. A. was B. were C. will be D. would be 16. If he …………well, he’ll become an artist A. drew B. will draw C. would draw D. draws 17. It is nearly 3 months _________he visited his parents. A. while B. during C. since D. when 18. My sister enjoys …………….comics. A. reads B. reading read D. will read 19. If we _________enough time, we’ll study this exercise more carefully. A. will have B. have C. had D. would have 20. What would you do, if you _________a UFO? A. see B. saw C. would see D. had seen

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