Viêys tiếp baid văn Tim felt ảngy as he got off the train

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Tim felt angry as he got off the train. The train had broken down and they had stopped in the middle of the countryside.

Everyone was getting off the train, speaking to each other. However, Tim was tried and he didn't want to talk much. As a result, he sat under a tree and decided to take a nap. Tim was sleeping when without a warning. All of a sudden, Tim woke up and saw the train moving away. He shouted, "Stop, stop, please!." However, nobody heard him. Although he ran, Tim couldn't reach the train.

In the end, he gave up running and called his parents to pick him up a few hours later.

Tim felt angry as he got off the train. Two hours ago, Tim had got on the train with his best friend James. They had met in the main square for to travel to Manchester.

Tim and James were sitting together when James´s mobile rang. His mother was calling him because Sylbia, sister´s James, wanted to meet with their in Manchester where she lived.

Tim was suprised. He didn´t love her since April when Sylbia kissed another guy in a party. Tim didn´t want to see her again. But his best friend had met with Sylbia at the station. Tim felt very angry when he got off the train and saw that Sylbia was holding her boyfriend´s hand.

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