viết về phong tục trên bàn ăn của người việt nam giúp giùm mình với cần gấp

2 câu trả lời

In Vietnam, there are many customs and a fairly common custom in Vietnam is the custom in the dining room table. In Vietnam, we will serve all cooked food on the table and wait when everyone is fully gathered before we start to wish each other wishes such as: wish parents, grandparents delicious food, wish delicious, ... and then we start eating. When you eat, you must focus on eating, not eating while doing other things because in Vietnam we think that while eating and doing other things is disrespecting the cook. When on the table, do not knock the chopsticks on the dishes because this is not recommended. When you are eating, if you want to go to work and come back, you have to put the chopsticks next to the bowl of rice, not plug it into the bowl of rice because we believe that by doing so, the rice offering cannot be eaten. When you finish eating, you have to keep the chopsticks neat to help the person clean up.


ở Việt Nam, có rất nhiều phong tục và một phong tục khá phổ biến ở Việt Nam là phong tục trong bàn ăn. Ở Việt Nam, chúng tôi sẽ dọn toàn bộ thức ăn đã nấu lên bàn và chờ đợi khi tất cả mọi người tụ hợp đầy đủ thì mới bắt đầu chúc nhau những lời chúc như : chúc ba mẹ, ông bà ăn ngon miệng, chúc ngon miệng,.... rồi sau đó mới bắt đầu dùng bữa. Khi ăn bạn phải tập trung ăn chứ không được vừa ăn vừa làm việc khác vì ở Việt Nam chúng tôi cho rằng vừa ăn vừa làm việc khác là không tôn trọng người nấu. Khi ở trên bàn ăn không nên gõ đũa vào chén dĩa vì như vậy là không nên. khi đang ăn nếu muốn đi công việc rồi quay lại thì phải để đôi đũa kế bên chén cơm chứ không được cắm vào chén cơm vì chúng tôi cho rằng làm như thế là cơm cúng không ăn được. khi ăn xong bạn phải để chén đũa gọn gàng để người dọn tiện hơn. 

Vietnam proverb that says: "Learning to eat, learn to speak, learning packages, school open." So, eating far more important role in the life of every human being. Therefore that right from childhood, the Vietnam was just told to be careful to always behave in dining standards. The principles on the table as follows First, if you are invited to the dinner guests at the table, the right to host either the eldest in the family invited to speak before. Note that a hat should not be at the table because it is considered impolite. When picking foods or soups, first to enter the bowl (cup) and then taken up into bite. In summary, you should avoid to emit any sound when eating anything, especially a knock spoon chopsticks snapping, the sound of water pouring drink carrot or talk while chewing food ... Second, you should also pay attention must yield to others, not to pick up before the big pieces, delicious, using sauces or spices, too. And when chopsticks up attitude should not wonder if something on the table to pick up items.In particular, you should eat all the food in the bowl, your plate to avoid leftovers, do not stand up before the people there are eating. Besides, the Vietnam also has a habit of flossing after meals, so flossing action must also be done with considerate by hand covering mouth lai..Khong is simply delicious, Vietnam people still feel the taste of the dish with all five senses. First of all, the table has a lot of dishes with full color: green vegetables; persimmon of shrimp and shrimp; brown meat stock ... and shaped like a dragon, the liturgy ...Therefore, after seeing the beauty of the dish, the Vietnam to enjoy through the nose with the aroma of herbs, special sauce smell. When chewing food once again was strong tactile activities to realize the full flavor of each mon.Thu most probably when you hear the sound of the tornado cup roasted peanuts, the crispy cake page, prawn crackers ... Finally tongue - where taste the sour, salty, sweet, chat, various spicy blend subtly in the dish. Dining culture of Vietnam so that has become an art.

Chúc bạn hok tốt ! Xin cltn về nhóm !

@Cự Gỉai


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