viết một lá thư gửi cho bạn miêu tả nơi mình sống từ 100 đến 150 từ

2 câu trả lời

I was born and grown up on the poor land in Duc Tho district, Ha Tinh province. That’s where deeply attaches to me 24 years of life. If anyone who asks me that “What’s the thing your most proud of?” .I will answer that’s my hometown. Duc Tho is the land poor where the people live by rice cultivation, breeding, and fishing. Although the life is very difficult, but the people is very friendly, and studious. In Duc Tho, there is a Tung Anh village where called “Doctor village”. Duc Tho is also the home of Tran Phu Secretary General, and marked many memories of the great leader Ho Chi Minh.

If you come to Duc Tho, you will feel many interesting things, visiting Tran Phu tombstone, La Giang dyke, rowing on La driver, and enjoying the traditional songs. In the evening, they can enjoy a special food which is “mussel rice” – just only eat one time, you will never forget.

Beautiful and unobtrusive! Duc Tho always tries to grow, and to improve the life of people, but keeping the traditional culture.

mẫu nè bạn 

I live in the suburbs of Nha Trang city. There are many good things aboutliving in my neighbourhood. First, it has beautiful parks, sandy beaches,and sunny weather all year. So, it's very good for outdoor activities andevents. Second, the traffic here is also great because the roads are wideand people follow the traffic lights very well. Also, my neighbours areincredibly friendly and helpful. You can make friends with them and askthem for help easily. However, there is one thing I don't like about livinghere. It's quite inconvenient because if you want to hear some live musicor watch a movie at the cinema, you have to catch a bus to the city centre.Despite that, I still love living here

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