Viết một đoạn văn bằng English khoảng 120 từ nói về lợi ích của người mẹ khi ra ngoài làm việc

2 câu trả lời

Mothers should be greatly encouraged to work outside. First, working mothers contribute to the family income. They help their husbands pay family expenses to satisfy the raised needs of their children. The river is pink and pink so women's wages become more and more important in their family budgets. Second, working mothers are good educators for their children. The experience of wiv expands their consciousness and gradually matures them. Through work, they discover their strengths and weaknesses, become more understanding, and are able to find good ways to educate their children. Finally, working mothers are a good example for their children. When the children see how hard our father works to support the family and share the responsibilities within the family, we learn from it. The family value as the work only, care for and love is there are transfer from this system to the other system. Obviously, mothers should be strongly supported to work outside.

   Bản dịch:

Những người mẹ nên được khuyến khích nhiều để đi làm việc bên ngoài. Đầu tiên, những người mẹ đi làm đóng góp cho thu nhập gia đình. Họ giúp chồng mình trả chi phí gia đình m thỏa mãn nhu cầu đang tăng lên của trẻ con. Cuộc sông ngày càng đắt đỏ vì vậy lương oìa phụ nữ ngày càng trở nên quan trọng trong ngân sách gia đình của họ.

Thứ hai, những người mẹ đi làm là những người giáo dục tốt cho con trẻ. Kinh nghiệm làm wiệc mở rộng kiên thức của họ và dần dần làm họ trưởng thành. Qua công việc, họ khám phá điểm mạnh và điếm yếu của họ, trở nên hiểu biết hơn và có thể tìm ra những cách hay để giáo dục con cái.

Cuối cùng, những người mẹ đi làm là ví dụ tốt cho con cái của họ. Khi bọn trẻ thấy cha mẹ chúng làm việc vất vả như thế nào để chu cấp cho gia đình và chia sẻ trách nhiệm trong gia đình, chúng sẽ học từ họ. Những giá trị gia đình như làm việc chăm chỉ, trách nhiệm và tình yêu có thể truyền từ thê hệ này sang thế hệ khác.

Rõ ràng, những người mẹ nên được hỗ trợ mạnh mẽ để làm việc bên ngoài.

                                                                   # Nikitashi#

When the mother goes to work, everything in the house is shared. Dad temporarily forgot the TV or newspaper to collect vegetables together, take care of dinner. Baby in charge of watering plants. Mothers staying at home are more disadvantaged because everyone thinks they don't need any help.

After a period of pregnancy and childbirth, many mothers wonder if they should continue with their work or spend more time at home looking after and raising their children. Sometimes, because of pressure from family members and also from an infinite love for children, a woman is more prone to quitting. In fact, according to experts in marriage and family, mothers who stay home to look after their children are not sure to bring what their children need. The benefits of working mothers are clear: Economic guarantee Nowadays, it is very common for women to assert themselves with work in society. They have proven that they can also make money, ensure their own lives and take care of their husbands and children. For mothers who only stay at home to take care of their children, of course, the economy will not be as secure, even though the husband has a stable job and salary. In fact, there are many cases of husband and wife contradictions just because of money. When a wife makes money with a reasonable amount of time outside, it clearly limits financial conflicts. Have the opportunity to claim expertise Nowadays, not only men have careers, women also have their own dreams and need to improve their expertise and profession. To them, pursuing social goals is as important as being a wife and mother. When having to stay at home all day, busy with nameless jobs, having less contact with people of the same level, or more knowledgeable, unintentionally, mothers will feel helpless and bored. Sometimes, loneliness makes them uncomfortable and unhappy with themselves. Usually, mothers who have a professional career and have more friends with similar interests find life more meaningful, especially when they know the balance between the female position in the family and society. Moreover, working mothers also have the opportunity to learn more experiences, can apply knowledge to family life, and raise children. Encourage equal division of labor in the family When the mother goes to work, of course, all work in the family should be shared fairly. Dad can temporarily forget the TV or the newspapers to pick up vegetables together, take care of dinner. The baby can take over the watering of the plants. As such, no one feels that it is unusual for a boy to wash dishes or for a man to comfort his or her children. At this point, mothers who stay home are much more disadvantaged because they stay at home all day. It is this thought that has created a habit of relying on and that is a barrier separating not only between husband and wife but also between parents and children. Another advantage is that when boys grow up, they will look at their father's mirror to follow without thinking that women should only take care of housework. The daughter will also follow her mother's example, growing up with the confidence that a woman can have a happy family at the same time while retaining her job and position in society. Helping children to be more independent soon Mom and dad work together, earn money to ensure the needs in family life, no one is secondary or primary. This helps children have a positive mindset from a young age. When mothers work, babies will find joy by playing and communicating with others such as babysitters or relatives or friends of the same age. Children who are only around their mothers in the house are often less brave, their integration with the outside world is also more limited than those whose mothers work. In families with mothers who do not work, children, especially when girls grow up, are often very passive. Many children still think, do not need to try much because later on, the husband, the head of the family, worries about everything. That reliance is extremely harmful to themselves and unintentionally hinders the will to act for a future career. Cherish the time you spend with your family When the mother goes out to work, the average time spent on society is 8 hours, the rest of the time for family and children is of course less. Whenever there is a chance that the mother is at home, the rest of the members will surely become more aware of the value of that little time.

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