Viết một bài viết bằng tiếng anh về bình đẳng giới ở việt nam giống bài của United Kingdom ( tiếng anh 10 mới unit 6 trang 13)

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Although gender equality is a issue which does not remain too novel, it still causes global controversy. The reason that each country, and each region has different notions of gender equality explains certain disparities in its gender equality. However, thanks to the advancement of ideology of many countries, nowadays, gender equality has been shown to play a significant role in the society and changed the international perspective on gender.

First of all, it is important to understand what is gender equality for proper application. Gender equality means fair treatment between men and women. This means that women also have an equal role as men and to be facilitated for study and development, assisting them to have high opportunities to improve their qualification. Besides, gender equality implies the rights of men and women are equally respected. Women have the right to participate in political and social issues as well as have their own opinions and raise their voices; hence, they are liable to the law as men do. This is an advanced concept that needs to be maintained and used in a proper way to better modern society.

However, it takes a long time for this perspective to emerge. In the past, there was nothing called gender equality. Gender equality was an unfamiliar concept and not taken advantage of to a large degree. As a result, women were despised, leading to the fact that women were not allowed to go to school, and they had to stay at home to do housework. Even in many cases, women were beaten and stripped of their citizenship. It became worse that such thinking resulted in what was called male chauvinism. Furthermore, women did not have a citizenship which was similar to men’s. Owing to being stripped of citizenship, women were not entitled to participate in political and social issues. Women were not empowered to raise their voice about anything because they had to obey men’s requests and depended on men in every aspect of life. Nevertheless, nowadays, such bad things have changed. Gender equality becomes much more familiar, indicating that women are valued. Thanks to these changes, women have high chances to have access to employment and study opportunities which are the same as men’s. Women no longer have to stay at home, and they are able to go out, go to work and be independent in the economic aspect. More specially, women have the same access to citizenship as men. Until now, women are entitled to take part in political, social, economic issues such as voting, or holding important positions. Additionally, women have the right to utilize their citizenship in various matters, from which they are not abused anymore. Such advancement is absolutely a big transition to a society in general and to the women in particular.

Thanks to gender equality, society has gained many of achievements. Firstly, it can be said that backward conception which is male chauvinism is eliminated. A number of parents have no conception of having a son anymore. In fact, numerous parents enjoy a happy life with their daughters. Also, men and women have equal rights with the disappearance of male chauvinism. Next, the role of women in society is enhanced with the aid of gender equality. Women are allowed to participate in social activities; therefore, they get a high chance to contribute more to the development of the society in various fields such as economy, politics, and environment. More importantly, the country is more developed and civilized. As narrow conception is abolished and replaced by positive thoughts, the country is civilized from time to time. This shows that until now, women have been in charge of important positions in the state apparatus. This bright side of gender equality is undeniable as its results are significantly proved in our modern society.

Women access employment and study opportunities which are the same as men’s.

Despite its advantages, gender equality still brings some weaknesses. Sometimes, women pay much attention to their work without taking care of their families. The fact that they play an important role in their work causes them to spend much of their time dealing with their work rather than looking aftertheir husbands and children. Also, the proportion of single womenis increasing since they believe that they are capable of taking care of themselves without getting married. Such drawbacks should be reduced to ensure a balanced improvement of the world in general and of each country in particular.

Gender equality is a significantly progressive perspective as well as a necessary one in modern society. It is vital to further promote the role of each individual in general and the whole society in particular in enhancing a gender-equal society.

Many reports from international organizations share a common comment: Vietnam has taken a lot of action to reduce stigma and inequality between men and women. These actions have even been institutionalized into state policies, into legal documents, for example the Law on Gender Equality was enacted in 2006, and recently the Law on Domestic Violence Prevention and Control. There are also not many countries in the world where gender equality actions and measures have been incorporated into specific programs of activities of each province, each locality ... as in Vietnam.
The UNDP Human Development Report 2006 shows that the level of gender equality in Vietnam ranks 11th in the world. This index is even higher than the country with the leading developed economy in the world, the UK.
Comprehensive liberation and development for women is one of the goals of the Vietnamese Revolution. Vietnam has had many undertakings, policies and achievements of the realization of women's emancipation, creating conditions for women's development, and has been recognized and appreciated by the international community over the years. This achievement will be maintained and strive to achieve a higher level in the coming time.

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