viết một bài thuyết trình về ô nhiễm nước bằng tiếng anh nêu nguyên nhân và tác động của nó lên môi trường tự nhiên và sức khỏe của người dân địa phương. và nêu giải pháp !

1 câu trả lời

Water pollution is still happening in many parts of the world. Typically, all the river banks are near factories, factories always discharge toxins into the river, making it polluted. This causes the earth's water environment to become dead plants and aquatic animals will die sooner or later. They float to the surface of the water, making the water smell foul. In particular, it makes the local people living around without water, but used nearby has a smell that cannot continue to live. Like the earth, if the water environment is polluted, all humans, animals and plants will be destroyed, so let's join hands to protect each environment through the following measures: - First, always remember not to litter the rivers and coasts -second Keep clean water -third waste disposal -Wednesday Save clean water ..... (there are also many) Thanks for listening

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