viết một bài nói tiếng anh về pollution hoặc một trong số các chủ đề từ unit7 -> unit 12 lớp8 em đang cần gấp( ko sao chép mạng nha)

1 câu trả lời

Air pollution is becoming more and more serious

I would like to talk about the causes of air pollution.  I want to mention is gas emissions from factories and vehicles. As the gases from factories are not treated, they are very harmful to not only the air but also the environment. One of the substances contributing to the air pollution found in these gas is carbon dioxide (CO2) – one is also included in the gas emissions from vehicles. Nowadays, more and more plants and vehicles are appearing, contributing to the more serious of air pollution. The more gases discharged into the air, the more polluted the air is. And this brings a number of bad effects on both the environment and humans. Secondly, the polluted air certainly affects the environment. The air pollution means that the CO2 in the air is high, and this gas will cause the greenhouse effect. This phenomenon will result in global warming and this is very bad for the environment. Also, the ecosystem is influenced because, in places where the CO2 is more than O2, living things are hard to survive. Finally, we should have solutions to solve the air pollution problemif the government have suitable strategies such as encouraging people not to cut down trees without its permission and to use public transport to reduce the number of the vehicles as well as implementing appropriate strict laws to require plants to treat their exhausted gas before they are discharged into the air.We should use green energy and not cut down trees without permission from the government and travel by walk or by bike. Let’s protect our air for the next generation together.

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