Viết đoạn văn về lợi ích của việc sử dụng tivi/laptop bằng tiếng anh

2 câu trả lời

For example, teachers could use the calculator to quickly compile a student score list instead of making it up by hand. Second "accuracy" benefit When something is done manually there is always the possibility of a human error. Computers can be used to perform work in a way that ensures accuracy when the input data is correct. ... Automation: Can tell the computer to automatically perform complex tasks.

However despite providing certain advantages this high-tech device also has its own limitations. That is computers have made our lives more modern convenient and civilized. However computers also have their own limitations when users take advantage of it for negative purposes. In addition people who pay too much attention to online activities can ecome passive in real life due to less communication.

`#` `Tranhoang40860`

Write a paragraph about the benefits of using a laptop in English.
With the current epidemic situation and the development of modern electronic devices, Laptop is a great and convenient tool for each person or the students themselves. The laptop can be easily carried around with ease because it is compact and convenient. Moreover, the leading tool that every laptop owns is to be able to look up and search for information on the internet. All data can be reviewed and safely stored on the laptop. For today's students, it's a must-have learning device to take online classes, practice assignments, and take tests. On the internet, there are also many free question-and-answer programs for students to exchange with each other. As for teachers and other adults, laptops help them to compose and present ideas and lectures through applications such as PowerPoint, word, canvas, google slide,... And after a while of working For a long time, a laptop can be a stress reliever and entertainment tool with many interesting social networking platforms and games. If you are a proactive person who knows how to manage your time and appreciate the opportunity to learn, a laptop can be a great action companion that can do everything for you!


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